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Universitas Gadjah Mada

Saka Wikipédia Jawa, bauwarna mardika basa Jawa
(Kaelih saka UGM)

Koordhinat: 7°46′17″S 110°22′39″E / 7.7713847°S 110.3774998°E / -7.7713847; 110.3774998

Universitas Gadjah Mada
Diadegaké19 Dhésèmber 1949
JenisPerguruan tinggi nagari - Badan Hukum
MottoMengakar Kuat, Menjulang Tinggi
RèktorOva Emilia
Mahasiswa47.081 (2018)
LokasiSléman, Ngayogyakarta, Indonésia
Telepon+62 274 6492599
WarnaKhaki muda     
JulukanUGM, GAMA, Kampus Pancasila, Universitas Nasional, Universitas Pusat Kebudayaan, Balai Pendidikan Nasional, Kampus Perjuangan, Kampus Kerakyatan, Kampus Biru,
Gedhong utama

Universitas Gadjah Mada (Jawa: ꦥꦮꦶꦪꦠꦤ꧀ꦭꦸꦲꦸꦂꦓꦗꦃꦩꦢ) asring kacekak UGM iku universitas nagari ing Indonésia, dumunung ing Kutha Ngayogyakarta. Diadegaké tanggal 19 Dhésèmber 1949, Universitas Gadjah Mada minangka universitas pisanan sing madeg sawisé Indonésia mardika. Universitas Gadjah Mada dumunung ing Kampus Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Dhépok, Ngayogyakarta. Universitas Gadjah Mada punika salah satunggaling perguruan tinggi paling tua lan ageng ing nagari,[1][2] lan sampun kaparingan predhikat minangka salah satunggaling universitas paling sae ing Indonesia. Ing Peringkat Universitas Dunia QS taun 2023, UGM kaunggulaken minangka nomer 1 ing Indonesia lan nomer 231 ing donya.[3][4][5]

Nalika universitas punika dipunadegaken wonten ing warsa 1940-an ing ngandhap pamaréntahan Walanda, menika dados fakultas kedokteran ingkang kapisan ingkang mbukak kanthi bébas kanggé pribumi Indonesia,[6][7] ing wekdal punika, nalika pendhidhikan pribumi asring dipunwatesi.[8]


[besut | besut sumber]

Sedasa tanggal 4 Januari 1946, Soekarno lan Hatta sampun ngéwahakaken kutha krajan Républik Indonésia dhateng Ngayogyakarta. Amargi wontenipun pepénginan antawisipun pejuang kamardikan lan pasukan Sakuthu sarta NICA ing Jakarta lan Bandung, mila Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Bandung ugi kapundhut pindhah dhateng Ngayogyakarta. Ing dinten 17 Fèbruari 1946, Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Bandung sampun dipun-uripaké malih wonten ing Ngayogyakarta kaliyan para dhéwékawan ingkang asma Prof. Ir. Rooseno lan Prof. Ir. Wreksodiningrat. Manawi dipun-tingali saking sajarahipun, Universitas Gadjah Mada punika gabunganipun sawetawis balé pawiyatan, pamulangan inggil, paguron inggil ingkang wonten ing Yogyakarta, Klathèn lan Surakarta.

Asma Gadjah Mada dipun-jupuk saking Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah Mada ingkang kagungan fakultas hukum lan fakultas sastra. Panyiapanipun Balai Perguruan Tinggi punika dipun-umumaké ing Gedung KNI Malioboro wonten ing tanggal 3 Maret 1946 déning Mr. Boediarto, Ir. Marsito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Mr. Soenarjo, Dr. Soleiman, Dr. Buntaran lan Dr. Soeharto.

Lembaga pendhidhikan ingkang sanes ingkang dipunadegaken ing wektu ingkang meh sami inggih punika Perguruan Tinggi Kedhokteran (dipunadegaken tanggal 5 Maret 1946), Sekolah Tinggi Kedhokteran Hewan (dipunadegaken tanggal 20 September 1946), Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi (dipunadegaken tanggal 27 September 1946), lan Perguruan Tinggi Pertanian (dipunadegaken tanggal 27 September 1946) ingkang sami wonten ing Klaten, kinten-kinten 20 kilometer saking Ngayogyakarta. Institut Pasteur ing Bandung wiwitanipun tanggal 1 September 1945, ugi dipunpindhahaken dhateng Klaten kaliyan laboratorium ing Rumah Sakit Tegalyoso. Salah satunggaling tiyang ingkang gadhah peran ing pemindahan menika inggih punika Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito ingkang sakmenika dados Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada ingkang kapisan. Pagesangan kampus ing Klaten dados langkung rame kanthi dipunadegakenipun Fakultas Kedhokteran Gigi ing wiwitan 1948.

Ing wiwitan Mei 1948, Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengajaran lan Kebudayaan nindakaken pendirian Akademi Ilmu Pulitik ing Ngayogyakarta kanthi prakawis saking Kementerian Dalam Negeri supados ndhidhik calon-calon pegawai Departemen Dalam Negeri, Departemen Luar Negeri, lan Departemen Penerangan. Akademi punika wiwitanipun dipunpimpin déning Prof. Djokosoetono, S.H. Nanging, akademi punika boten dangu umuripun, amargi sawisé kajadian PKI Madiun ing wulan September 1948, akademi punika dipunbiyantu déning para mahasiswa ingkang sami tumut ngungsi pemberontakan saéngga akademi punika lajeng dipuntutup.

Salajenge ing 1 November 1948 dipundamel Balai Pendidikan Ahli Hukum wonten ing Surakarta, minangka woh saking kerjasama antawisipun Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengajaran lan Kebudayaan kaliyan Kementerian Kehakiman. Ingkang sarujuk kaliyan punika, Panitia Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi Swasta wonten ing Surakarta, ingkang dipunpimpin déning Drs. Notonagoro, S.H., Koesoemadi, S.H. lan Hardjono, S.H. wonten ing Surakarta ngrencanakaken ngadegaken Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Negeri. Kangge efisiensi, Panitia ngusulaken penggabungan Balai Pendidikan Ahli Hukum kaliyan Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Negeri ingkang pungkasipun dipunsarujuki lan dipunresmikaken déning Peraturan Pemerintah No. 73 taun 1948.

Serangan Walanda dhumateng kitha krajan Républik Indonésia wonten ing Ngayogyakarta ing Agresi Militer Walanda II nglumpuhaken sakathahing kagiyatan sinau ing Ngayogyakarta, Klaten lan Surakarta saha sakathahing perguruan tinggi kasebat terpaksa katutup lan para mahasiswa kagungan semangat badhé berjuang.

Sawise serangan Walandi, wilayah Républik Indonésia dados langkung semplik. Ing dinten kaping 20 Mei 1949, kadhawuhaken rapat Panitia Perguruan Tinggi, wonten ing Pendopo Kepatihan Yogyakarta ingkang dipunpimpin déning Prof. Dr. Soetopo, kaliyan anggota rapat antawisipun, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Ir. Harjono, Prof. Sugardo lan Slamet Soetikno, S.H. Salah satunggaling asil saking rapat punika inggih menika ngadegaken perguruan malih wonten ing wilayah républik ingkang dereng dipunrebut, yaiku Ngayogyakarta. Dipunsarujuki déning Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Harjono lan Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito badhé ngupados sarana kangge ngwujudaken rencana wau. Alangan utama wekdal menika inggih menika boten wontenipun ruangan kangge kuliah. Nanging, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX sarujuk nyilihaken ruangan dalem kraton lan sawetah gedhong ing sekitare.


[besut | besut sumber]
  • Fakultas Biologi
  • Fakultas Ékonomika lan Bisnis
  • Fakultas Farmasi
  • Fakultas Filsafat
  • Fakultas Géografi
  • Fakultas Hukum
  • Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial lan Ilmu Pulitik
  • Fakultas Kedhokteran, Keséhatan Masyarakat lan Keperawatan (FKKMK)
  • Fakultas Kedhokteran Gigi
  • Fakultas Kedhokteran Kewan
  • Fakultas Kehutanan
  • Fakultas MIPA (Matematika lan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam)
  • Fakultas Pertanian
  • Fakultas Peternakan
  • Fakultas Psikologi
  • Fakultas Téknik
  • Fakultas Téknologi Pertanian
Prestasi Internasional
[besut | besut sumber]
  • Bimasakti UGM, The 1st Place Business Plan Presentation, Top 8 Overall, Top 5 Endurance, Top 6 Acceleration, Top 5 Skidpad & Top 5 Autocross, SAE International & Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica, Circuit Riccardo Paletti, Parma, Italia, 2023
  • Bimasakti UGM, The 3rd winner of Formula Student SAE Australasia, 2020
  • Semar UGM, The 1st & 3rd winner World Champion of Shell Eco-marathon Autonomous Programming Competition 2023
  • Semar UGM, The Double winners Prototype Battery Electric (New Asia Record) & Urban Concept Hydrogen Fuel Cell (New Asia Record & the first in Indonesia), Shell Eco-marathon Asia and The Middle East, 2023.
  • Arjuna UGM, The 1st winner Software and Intelligence Integration, the 3rd Place Procurement Strategy & 4th Place overall Event Formula Bharat 6th Annual FSEV Concept Challenge, Pi-EV 2022, India
  • Arjuna UGM, The 2nd winner of Annual Formula Student Electric Vehicle (FSEV) Concept Challenge 2020. Formula Bharat, India, 2020
  • The Gold Medal, The Special Award: Inclusivity Award & Top 5 Best Diagnostic Project of the Grand Jamboree-International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition, Paris, French, 2023
  • The Gold Medal, Best Computational Project" & Best Human Centered Design of The Global Open Genetic Engineering Competition (GOGEC), Biotechnology Research, Houston, Texas, USA, 2023.
  • The 1st winner of Global Health Case Competition, Melbourne, Australia, 2023
  • 2nd winner of International Reactics Chem-E-Car Competition, Berlin, Germany, 2023
  • The Silver Prize of the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition 2021, Paris, France
  • 3rd winner of Venezuela Energy Solutions Case Study Competition, Venezuelan American Petroleum Association (VAPA) sponsored by CITGO Petroleum Corporation, 2022
  • 1st winner of Schlumberger Digital Forum, Luzern, Switzerland, 2022
  • 1st winner of Business Plan Presentation & Golden Fighter Award, Formula Student Netherlands (FSN), Circuit TT Assen, The Netherlands, 2022.
  • 1st winner of World Bank Group Youth Summit 2022, Washington DC, USA
  • 5th winner of the International Commercial Mediation Competition (ICMC) 18th International Chamber of Commerce 2023, Paris, France
  • The Most Innovative Presentation of Krannert Human Resource Case Competition and Executive Conference, Purdue University, USA, 2013
  • The Best Reviewer Award of International Accounting Section, American Accounting Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2014
  • 1st winner of World Bank Group Youth Summit, Case Challenge Competition, Washington, DC, USA, 2021
  • The Most Outstanding Delegate & Honorable Mention Nottingham University Model United Nation (NUMUN) Competition, 2016
  • Gold Prize of International Case Competition, Hong Kong, 2021
  • 3rd winner of 5th Foreign Direct Investment Moot Competition at Suffolk University Law School, Boston, USA, 2012
  • Runner-Up of International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition (IHL MCC) Asia Pacific, 2022
  • Overall Highest Team Ranking of Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Meet, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016
  • 4th winner of International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition (ICCMCC), Den Haag, The Netherlands, 2014
  • Honorable Mentions of Eric E. Bergsten Award of International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis Moot), 29th Willem C. Vis (West) Moot, 2022
  • 1st winner of The Nuremberg Moot Court Competition, The Netherlands, 2022,
  • The winner of 16th International Veterinary Medicine Student Scientific Research Congress, Istanbul, Republic Turkey, 2014
  • The winner of Agricultural Engineering – Annual Regional Convention (AE-ARC), Philippine, 2022
  • The winner of Agricultural Engineering - Annual Regional Convention (AE-ARC), Malaysia, 2019
  • 2nd winner of International Microbiology, Parasitology, and Immunology Competition (SIMPIC), Thailand, 2017
  • Best Overall Presentation of International Forestry Student Association, Hokkaido, Japan, 2021
  • Silver Medal on Giant Jamboree, International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition, France, 2021
  • The winner of The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation / IPSF Pharma Olympics, 2020
  • Gold Medal & Best Award of The International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX) Competition, Malaysia, 2011
  • The winner of International Challenge of Emergency Medicine (KKU ICEM) Competition, Thailand, 2020
  • The winner of The Asian-Oceania Medical Students' Conferences (AMSC) Competition, Seoul, Korea, 2022.
  • 3rd winner of The Model Satellite Competition, Turkey, 2022
  • The winner of DAAD-Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award, Germany, 2007
  • The winner of Mondialogo Engineering Award, Stuttgart, Germany, 2009.
  • The winner of International Mathematics Competition (IMC), Bulgaria, 2021
  • 3rd winner & honorable mention of International Mathematics Competition (IMC), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2018
  • 1st, 2nd & honorable mention of International Mathematics Competition (lMC) Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2015
  • 3rd winner of International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2008.
  • 3rd winner of International Scientific Olympiad on Mathematics (ISOM), Teheran, Iran, 2008.
  • The winner of Formula Student Netherlands (FSN) Competition, The Netherlands, 2022
  • The winner of International Innovation Invention Competition Canada, Toronto, 2016
  • The Best Public Safety App on “Public Safety App Challenge” at California, USA, 2014.
  • Best Chapter of The World Champions of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2014
  • 6th winner of The International CanSat Competition, American Astronautical Society (AAS), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2022
  • 1st-place Winner of Battery-Electric Prototype category, Shell Eco-Marathon, 2022.[42]
  • 1st-place Winner of Green Wave Environmental Care Competition, organized by Sembcorp Marine Ltd, Singapore, 2021.[43]
  • 1st-place Winner of Indonesia Flying Robot Contest at 2021.[44]
  • 1st-place Winner of NewQuest Young Geothermal Explorationist Competition, 2021.[45]
  • Best Paper-International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Structures and Construction Materials (SCESCM) in University of Technology Mara, Malaysia, 2020.
  • 1st-place Winner of Electric Car Design - PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE), 2021.
  • Best Student Prize - The Gawler Challenge by Unearthed dan Department for Energy and Mining, Government of South Australia, 2020.
  • 1st-place Winner - CulturIS-3D on International Invention and Innovation Competition (InIIC) Malaysia, 2020.
  • 2nd-place Winner of United States Annual Student CanSat Competition organized by American Astronautical Society & sponsored by NASA, 2020.
  • 1st-place Winner of BRI x Google Hackaton Competition, 2020.
  • Gold Award - Architecture and Alumni Choice Award - Asian Young Designer Award, 2017.
  • Gold Winner of Robot Contest in Connecticut USA, 2018.
  • 1st-place Winner of Slum Housing Improvement Design of Public Work and Public Housing Ministry competition, 2015.
  • 1st-place winner of Fire-Fighting category, 1st-place winner of Stand Balancing, and 2nd-place winner of Walker Challenge, Robogames competition, USA 2012
  • 3rd Best Memorial Award Asia Cup 2012. International Law Moot Court Competition Asia Cup 2012, Japan
  • 1st Best Mooter (Mr. Dylan Jesse Andrian), Hong Kong Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot 2022
  • The Best Technical Innovation Award for eSemar Xperimental, Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) 2011, Malaysia
  • Winner of Outstanding Achievement in 62nd Intel International Science and Engineering Fair – China Association for Science and Technology 2011 in Los Angeles
  • 1st winner of Creative Robot, The 13th International Robot Olympiad 2011, Indonesia
  • The Standard Commercial Movie Category Award, 7th GATSBY Student CM Award


[besut | besut sumber]
  1. "Introducing UGM". Universitas Gadjah Mada. 26 March 2017. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.
  2. "Top Universities in Indonesia". Top Universities. 5 April 2016. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.
  3. Richter, Max (2012). Musical Worlds in Yogyakarta. Leiden, Netherlands: KITLV Press (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde – Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies). kc. 160. ISBN 978-90-6718-390-1. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.
  4. "ITB, UGM, UI minangka tiga universitas paling unggul ing Indonesia". The Jakarta Post. News Desk. 17 August 2016. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.
  5. "UGM Kaunggulaken minangka Nomor 1 ing Indonesia lan Nomor 53 ing Asia". Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources. 17 April 2013. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 19 October 2017. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.
  6. Lock, Stephen; Last, John M.; Dunea, George (2001). The Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine. Oxford University Press. kc. 765. ISBN 0-19-262950-6.
  7. Forest, James J. F.; Altbach, Philip G. (2006). Volume 18 of Springer International Handbooks of Education: International Handbook of Higher Education, Volume 1. Springer. kc. 772. ISBN 1-4020-4011-3.
  8. Suratno, Tatang (12 June 2014). "The education system in Indonesia at a time of significant changes". Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres. doi:10.4000/ries.3814. S2CID 142805391. Dibukak ing 26 March 2017.