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Pratélaning praja Amérika Sarékat miturut dhaérah wektu

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Péta zona wektu Amérika Sarékat

Iki pratélan praja Amérika Sarékat miturut zona wektu.

Iki zona wektu sing dianggo déning praja lan teritori AS:

  • UTC-11: Samoa Standard Time
  • UTC-10: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HST)
  • UTC-9: Alaska Standard Time (AKST)
  • UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
  • UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
  • UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
  • UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • UTC-4: Atlantic Standard Time (ATC)
  • UTC+10: Chamorro Standard Time
Praja Zona wektu
Alabama UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Alaska Most of the state: UTC-9: Alaska Standard Time (AKST)
Aleutian Islands (kulon 169° 30' W): UTC-10: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HST)
Arizona UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
The Navajo Nation uses Daylight Saving Time (DST), the rest of the state does not
Arkansas UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
California UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Colorado UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Connecticut UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Delaware UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Florida Most of the state: UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
West of the Apalachicola River: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Georgia UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Hawaii UTC-10: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HST)
Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Idaho Most of the state: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
North of the Salmon River: UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Illinois UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Indiana Most of the state: UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Northwest and southwest corners: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Iowa UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Kansas Most of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Greeley, Hamilton, Sherman and Wallace counties: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Kentucky Western half of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Eastern half of the state: UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Louisiana UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Maine UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Maryland UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Massachusetts UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Michigan Most of the state: UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Counties that share a border with Wisconsin: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Minnesota UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Mississippi UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Missouri UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Montana UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Nebraska Most of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Western part of the state: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Nevada Most of the state: UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
2 small towns, Jackpot and West Wendover: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
New Hampshire UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
New Jersey UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
New Mexico UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
New York UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
North Carolina UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
North Dakota Most of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Southwestern part of the state: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Ohio UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Oklahoma UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Oregon Most of the state: UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Part of Malheur County: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Pennsylvania UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Rhode Island UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
South Carolina UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
South Dakota Western half of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Eastern half of the state: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Tennessee West Tennessee: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Middle Tennessee, plus Marion County: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
East Tennessee, except Marion County: UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Texas Most of the state: UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
El Paso and Hudspeth counties and part of Culberson County: UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Utah UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Virginia UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Vermont UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Washington UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
West Virginia UTC-5: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Wisconsin UTC-6: Central Standard Time (CST)
Wyoming UTC-7: Mountain Standard Time (MST)


[besut | besut sumber]

Teritori ingAS ora migunakaké Daylight Savings Time (DST)

Teritori Zone wektu
American Samoa UTC-11: Samoa Standard Time
Guam UTC+10: Chamorro Standard Time
Northern Mariana Islands UTC+10: Chamorro Standard Time
Puerto Rico UTC-4: Atlantic Standard Time (ATC)
U.S. Virgin Islands UTC-4: Atlantic Standard Time (ATC)

Pranala njaba

[besut | besut sumber]