
Parthenon, (Yunani kuna: Παρθενών) iku kuil kang diwangun kanggo Déwi Yunani Athena, pelindhung Atena, ing abad kaping 5 SM ing sadhuwuré Acropolis. Wangunan iki minangka wangunan wigati kang isih ana wiwit jaman Yunani Klasik, lumrahé dianggep puncaké pembangunan Doric order. Reca-reca kang dadi pepaès ing papan iki dianggep salah siji karya pinunjul saka seni Yunani kuna. Parthenon dianggep simbul abadi saka Yunani kuna lan simbul dhémokrasi ing Atena, lan minangka salah siji saka monumèn kang gedhé dhéwé ing donya. Mantri Kabudayan Yunani anyar iki lagi sengkut ngayahi program rèstorasi lan rékonstruksi monumèn iki.[1]
Parthenon (anyar) iku ngganti kuil Atena kang luwih lawas ya iku, kang karan Pre-Parthenon utawa Parthenon lawas, kang rusak sajeroning serangan Pèrsi ing taun 480 BC. Kayadéné kuil-kuil Yunani liyané, Parthenon kanggo gudhang rajabrana (treasury), lan sawijining wektu tau dadi gudhang rajabranané Delian League, kang sabanjuré dadi Kakaisaran Athenian. Ing abad kaping 6 M, Parthenon diowahi dadi gréja Kristen pasembahan marang Perawan Maria. Ing jaman kakuwasan Ottoman, panggonan iki banjur dianggo masjid, ing wiwitan taun 1460, lan malah duwé menara. Ing tanggal 28 September 1687, pasadiyan amunisi Ottoman njeblug déning pengeboman Venesia. Akibat jeblugan mau ndadèkaké rusaking Parthenon lan reca-reca ing panggonan iki. Ing taun 1806, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl saka Elgin njupuk sawatara reca kang sisa, kanthi idin saka Ottoman. Reca-reca iki, kang saiki dikenal minangka Elgin utawa Marmer Parthenon, ing taun 1816 didol marang British Museum ing London, lan dipajang nganti saiki. Pamaréntah Yunani nyoba njaluk bali reca iku nanging durung kasil.
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Uga delengen
[besut | besut sumber]
- Museum Acropolis Anyar
- Erechtheum
- Nashville Parthenon-replika
- Monumen National, Edinburgh
- Kuil Yunani
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ Ioanna Venieri. "Acropolis of Athens". Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Dibukak ing 2007-05-04.
[besut | besut sumber]Sumber cithakan
[besut | besut sumber]- Bernal, Martin (2001). Black Athena Writes Back-CL: Martin Bernal Responds to His Critics. Duke University Press. ISBN 0-822-32717-1.
- Burkert, Walter (1985). Greek Religion. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-36281-0.
- Connelly, Joan B. (January 1996). "Parthenon and Parthenoi: A Mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon Frieze". American Journal of Archaeology. 100 (1). Dibukak ing 2007-04-23.
- Frazer, Sir James George (1998). "The King of the Woods". The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-192-83541-6.
- Hurwit, Jeffrey M. (2000). The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology, and Archeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42834-3.
- Hurwit, Jeffrey M. (2005). "The Parthenon and the Tample of Zeus at Olympia". Ing Judith M. Barringer, Jeffrey M. Hurwit, Jerome Jordan Pollitt (èd.). Periklean Athens and Its Legacy: Problems and Perspectives. University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-70622-7.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link) - Neils, Jenifer (2005). The Parthenon: From Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-82093-6.
- "Parthenon". Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2002.
- "Parthenos". Encyclopaedia Mythica.
- Pelling, Christopher (1997). "Tragedy and Religion: Constructs and Readings". Greek Tragedy and the Historian. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-198-14987-5.
- Tarbell, F.B. A History of Ancient Greek Art. online.
- Whitley, James (2001). "The Archaeology of Democracy: Classical Athens". The Archaeology of Ancient Greece. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-62733-8.
Sumber online
[besut | besut sumber]- "Greek Premier Says New Acropolis Museum to Boost Bid for Parthenon Sculptures". International Herald Tribune. 2006-10-09. Diarsip saka asliné ing 2007-02-21. Dibukak ing 2007-04-23.
- "Parthenon". Online Etymology Dictionary. Dibukak ing 2007-05-05.
- "Talks Due on Elgin Marbles Return". BBC News. 2007-04-21. Dibukak ing 2007-04-23.
- Ioanna Venieri. "Acropolis of Athens-History". Acropolis of Athens. Οδυσσεύς. Dibukak ing 2007-05-04.
[besut | besut sumber]- Beard, Mary. The Parthenon. Harvard University: 2003. ISBN 0-674-01085-X.
- Cosmopoulos, Michael (editor). The Parthenon and its Sculptures. Cambridge University: 2004. ISBN 0-521-83673-5.
- Holtzman, Bernard (2003). L'Acropole d'Athènes: Monuments, Cultes et Histoire du sanctuaire d'Athèna Polias . Paris: Picard. ISBN 2-7084-0687-6.
- Papachatzis, Nikolaos D. Pausaniou Ellados Periegesis-Attika Athens, 1974.
- Tourpunikao, Panayotis. Parthenon. Abrams: 1996. ISBN 0-8109-6314-0.
- Traulos, Ioannis N. I Poleodomike ekselikses ton Athinon Athens, 1960 ISBN 960-7254-01-5
- Woodford, Susan. The Parthenon. Cambridge University: 1981. ISBN 0-521-22629-5.
- King, Dorothy "The Elgin Marbles" Hutchinson / Random House, January 2006. ISBN 0-09-180013-7
Pranala njaba
[besut | besut sumber]![]() |
Wikimedia Commons duwé médhia ngenani Parthenon. |
- The Acropolis of Athens: The Parthenon (official site with a schedule of its opening hours, tickets and contact information)
- The Acropolis Restoration Project Archived 2005-07-23 at the Wayback Machine. (Greek Government website)
- The Athenian Acropolis by Livio C. Stecchini (Takes the heterodox view of the date of the proto-Parthenon, but a useful summary of the scholarship.) (Internet Archive)
- UNESCO World Heritage Centre - Acropolis, Athens
- Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County — The Parthenon Archived 2013-01-28 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Parthenon Marbles Archived 2004-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.
- Google Sketchup 3D Model of Parthenon (simplistic) Archived 2013-11-07 at the Wayback Machine.
- Parthenon virtual tour Interactive 360° panoramas in high resolution.
- Parthenon 'The Golden Age of Pericles'
- The Friends of the Acropolis
37°58′17.39″N 23°43′35.69″E / 37.9714972°N 23.7265806°E