الجمهورية العراقية ꦄꦭ꧀ꦗꦸꦩ꧀ꦲꦸꦫꦶꦪꦃꦄꦭ꧀ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ꦏꦶꦪꦃ كۆماری عێراق ꦏꦺꦴꦩꦫꦆꦫꦏꦼ | |
Gendéra | |
Motto: '''ꦄꦭ꧀ꦭꦃꦲꦸꦄꦏ꧀ꦧꦂ (Arab: "ꦄꦭ꧀ꦭꦃꦩꦲꦲꦒꦼꦁ") | |
Gunagita: ꦩꦻꦴꦠꦶꦤꦶ 1 | |
![]() | |
Kuthagara | ꦨꦒ꧀ꦢꦢ꧀2 |
Brehakutha | ꦨꦒ꧀ꦢꦢ꧀ |
Jawatbasa | ꦄꦫꦧ꧀, ꦏꦸꦂꦢꦶ 3, ꦲꦱ꧀ꦱꦶꦫꦶꦪ |
Papréntahan | ꦫꦺꦥꦸꦧ꧀ꦭꦶꦏ꧀ |
ꦏꦩꦂꦢꦶꦏꦤ꧀ | |
• Banyu (%) | 1,1% |
Population | |
• Pikira-kira 2005 | 26.074.906 (45) |
• Cacahjiwa - | - |
GKK (ITK) | Pikira-kira 2005 |
• Gunggung | US$89,8 milyar (58) |
• Saben wong | US$3.500 (122) |
Artacihna | ꦢꦶꦤꦂ (IQD) |
Laladan wektu | UTC+3 |
• Mangsa ketiga (AKK) | UTC+4 |
Kodhé bèl | 964 |
TLD internèt | .iq |
ꦫꦺꦥꦸꦧ꧀ꦭꦶꦏ꧀ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ (ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦁꦭꦺꦴꦏꦭ꧀: ꦄꦭ꧀ꦗꦸꦩ꧀ꦲꦸꦫꦶꦪꦃꦄꦭ꧀ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ꦏꦶꦪꦃ - ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦁꦫꦶꦁꦏꦼꦱ꧀: ꦄꦭ꧀ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ [1] (ꦄꦫꦧ꧀:
العراق (pitulung·info), ꦠꦸꦂꦏꦶ: ꦆꦫꦏ꧀, ꦏꦸꦂꦢꦶ: عيَراق), ꦲꦶꦏꦸꦤꦒꦫꦲꦶꦁꦮꦺꦠꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦔꦃ ꦲꦸꦠꦮ ꦄꦱꦶꦪꦏꦶꦢꦸꦭ꧀ꦏꦸꦭꦺꦴꦤ꧀, ꦱꦶꦁꦔꦩ꧀ꦧꦃꦱꦥꦺꦫꦁꦔꦁꦲꦼꦝꦺꦝꦺꦮꦺꦭꦭꦢ꧀ꦢꦤ꧀ꦩꦺꦱꦺꦴꦥꦺꦴꦠꦩꦶꦪ ꦱꦂꦠꦥꦺꦴꦗꦺꦴꦏ꧀ꦭꦺꦴꦂꦏꦸꦭꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦱꦏ ꦥꦒꦸꦤꦸꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦗ꦳ꦒꦿꦲꦺꦴꦱ꧀ ꦭꦤ꧀ꦥꦺꦫꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦮꦺꦠꦤ꧀ꦱꦏ ꦲꦫꦲꦫꦯꦸꦫꦶꦪꦃ. ꦤꦒꦫꦲꦶꦏꦶꦮꦼꦮꦠꦼꦱ꧀ꦱꦤ꧀ꦏꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦸꦮꦲꦶꦠ꧀ ꦭꦤ꧀ ꦄꦫꦧ꧀ꦯꦲꦸꦢꦶ ꦲꦶꦁꦏꦶꦢꦸꦭ꧀, ꦪꦺꦴꦂꦢꦤ꧀ꦤꦶꦪ ꦲꦶꦁꦏꦸꦭꦺꦴꦤ꧀, ꦱꦸꦫꦶꦪꦃ ꦲꦶꦁꦭꦺꦴꦂꦏꦸꦭꦺꦴꦤ꧀, ꦠꦸꦂꦏꦶ ꦲꦶꦁꦭꦺꦴꦂ, ꦭꦤ꧀ꦆꦫꦤ꧀ ꦲꦶꦁꦮꦺꦠꦤ꧀. ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ꦢꦸꦮꦺꦥꦺꦫꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦱꦶꦁꦕꦶꦪꦸꦠ꧀ꦧꦁꦲꦼꦠ꧀ꦱꦏꦒꦫꦶꦱ꧀ꦥꦱꦶꦱꦶꦂꦲꦶꦁ Umm Qashr ꦲꦶꦁ ꦊꦩ꧀ꦥꦺꦴꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦦꦼꦂꦱꦶ꧉
ꦏꦸꦛꦏꦿꦗꦤ꧀ꦆꦫꦏ꧀ꦪꦲꦶꦏꦸ ꦨꦒ꧀ꦢꦢ꧀. ꦤꦒꦫꦲꦶꦏꦶꦱꦶꦁꦤ꧀ꦢꦸꦤꦸꦁꦔꦶꦏꦸꦫꦁꦭꦸꦮꦶꦃ꧇꧒꧒꧇ꦪꦸꦠꦗꦶꦮ꧉

[besut | besut sumber]ꦮꦕꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦫꦸꦱ꧀ꦱꦤ꧀
[besut | besut sumber]- Wawancara karo Sean Garcia saka Refugees International, ngenani kasangsaran atusan èwu pangungsi Irak [1] Archived 2007-03-13 at the Wayback Machine.
- Shadid, Anthony 2005. Night Draws Near. Henry Holt and Co., New York, AS. ISBN 0-8050-7602-6
- Hanna Batatu, "The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq", Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978
- Irak iku setting utama kanggo novèl fiksi èlmiyah John J. Rust "Epsilon"
- A Dweller in Mesopotamia Archived 2005-05-25 at the Wayback Machine., petualangan sawijining seniman resmi ing Taman Eden, déning Donald Maxwell, 1921. (faksimili sing bisa digolèki ing Perpustakaan Univèrsitas Georgia; DjVu & layered PDF Archived 2005-09-06 at the Wayback Machine. format)
- By Desert Ways to Baghdad Archived 2005-04-02 at the Wayback Machine., déning Louisa Jebb (Mrs. Roland Wilkins) Mawa ilustrasi lan peta, 1908 (edhisi 1909). (faksimili sing bisa digolèki ing Perpustakaan Univèrsitas Georgia; DjVu & layered PDF Archived 2005-09-06 at the Wayback Machine. format)
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Tèks saka Wikisource |
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Buku tèks saka Wikibooks |
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Matèri sinau saka Wikiversity |
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Wikimedia Commons duwé médhia ngenani Category:Iraq. |
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Wikiplesir duwé panuntun plesir ngenani Iraq. |
- (ing basa Arab) Situs resmi
- Situs Otoritas Sauntara Koalisi (arsip)
- Iraq Analysis Group
- Struktur papréntahan anyar Irak (PDF) Archived 2006-08-15 at the Wayback Machine. (wiwit 17 Juli 2006)
- Papréntahan Régional Kurdistan Archived 2016-05-06 at the Wayback Machine.
- Departemen Perindustrian lan Mineral
[besut | besut sumber]ꦠꦶꦚ꧀ꦗꦻꦴꦲꦤ꧀
[besut | besut sumber]- Encarta Encyclopedia Archived 2009-10-28 at the Wayback Machine.
- al-Bab - Iraq Archived 2016-06-10 at the Wayback Machine.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Iraq Country Page
- BBC News Country Profile - Iraq
- CIA World Factbook - Iraq Archived 2018-12-24 at the Wayback Machine.
- US State Department - Iraq kalebu Cathetan Latar wuri, Studi nagara, lan lapuran-lapuran wigati
- Laporan Congressional Research Service (CRS) ngenani Irak Archived 2008-05-02 at the Wayback Machine.
- Iraq Country Profile saka Reuters AlertNet
- Country Briefing: Iraq saka The Economist
[besut | besut sumber]- Iraq News and Iraqi views Archived 2018-02-18 at the Wayback Machine. from Electronic Iraq
- News in Depth Archived 2006-06-14 at the Wayback Machine. from the Financial Times
- Diplomacy Monitor-Iraq Archived 2013-04-15 at the Wayback Machine.
- IPS Inter Press Service Archived 2008-06-10 at the Wayback Machine. Independent news about Iraq
- Iraqis react with joy, anger to Hussein death sentence CNN story on Hussein's death sentence
[besut | besut sumber]- Juan Cole, a leading scholar and public intellectual
- The Ground Truth Project Archived 2006-09-26 at the Wayback Machine.—A series of exclusive interviews and other resources capturing the voices of Iraqis, aid workers, military personnel and others who have spent significant time on-the-ground in Iraq.
- Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)—A Washington DC-based nonprofit organization promoting a free and secure Iraq
- Amnesty International Report on Iraq
- Coalition Provisional Authority Now-defunct occupation authority; site is archived
- Iraq Law Archived 2013-12-14 at the Wayback Machine. from the University of Pittsburgh’s Jurist project
- 1900 - 2000 a history of Iraq
- US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq Archived 2008-08-20 at the Wayback Machine.
- Iraqi Familiarization Guide Archived 2007-12-01 at the Wayback Machine. - (546 kilobyte PDF file)
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