Washington Irving
Washington Irving | |
![]() Daguerreotype Washington Irving | |
Pakarya | Panulis carita cekak, pangesai, biografer, panyunting kalawarti, diplomat |
Obahan sastra | Romantisisme |
Tandha tangan | ![]() |
Washington Irving (3 April 1783 – 28 November 1859) iku sawijining panulis, pangesai, biografer lan sajarawan Amérikah Sarékat nalika abad angka 19. Dhèwèké diteoungi amarga carita cekak "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" lan "Rip Van Winkle", kaloroné mijil ing bukuné The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Karya-karyané antarané ya iku biografi George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith lan Muhammad, lan sapérangan sajarawan Spanyol abad angka 15 sing nyritakaké tokoh kaya déné Christopher Columbus, Moor, lan Alhambra. Irving uga njabat minangka dubes AS kanggo Spanyol wiwit taun 1842 tekan 1846.
Dhèwèké gawé dhebut pisanané taun 1802 kanthi sarangkèn layang pangamatan marang Morning Chronicle, ditulis mawa pseudonim Jonathan Oldstyle. Sawisé pindhah menyang Inggris amarga bisnis kulawarga taun 1815, dhèwèké éntuk kamisuwuran internasional kanthi diterbitaké The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. taun 1819. Dhèwèké terus nerbitaké karya kanthi rutin—lan mèh tansah suksès—sadawané uripé, lan ngrampungaké biografi George Washington kanthi gunggung limang volume wolung sasi sadurungé patiné nalika umur 76 taun ing Tarrytown, New York.
Irving, bebarengan James Fenimore Cooper, lumebu ing antarané para panulis pisanan Amérikah Sarékat sing duwé prabawa ing Éropah, lan Irving mbombong para panulis Amérika kaya déné Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, lan Edgar Allan Poe. Irving uga disenengi déning sapérangan panulis Éropah, kaya déné Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron, Thomas Campbell, Francis Jeffrey, lan Charles Dickens. Minangka panulis paling laris internasional pisanan AS, Irving ngakoni nulis minangka profèsi sing sah, lan njaluk ukum sing luwih kuwat kanggo ngreksa panulis Amérika saka palanggaran hak cipta.
Pratélan karya
[besut | besut sumber]Judhul |
Tanggal terbit |
Déning |
Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle | 1802 | Jonathan Oldstyle | Layang Observasi |
Salmagundi | 1807–1808 | Launcelot Langstaff, Will Wizard | Satir |
A History of New York | 1809 | Diedrich Knickerbocker | Satir |
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. | 1819–1820 | Geoffrey Crayon | Carita cekak/Esai |
Bracebridge Hall | 1822 | Geoffrey Crayon | Carita cekak/Esai |
Tales of a Traveller | 1824 | Geoffrey Crayon | Carita cekak/Esai |
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus | 1828 | Washington Irving | Biografi/Sajarah |
The Chronicles of the Conquest of Granada | 1829 | Fray Antonio Agapida[1] | Sajarah romantis |
Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus |
1831 | Washington Irving | Biografi/Sajarah |
Tales of the Alhambra | 1832 | "The Author of the Sketch Book" | Carita cekak/Lelaku |
The Crayon Miscellany[2] | 1835 | Geoffrey Crayon | Carita cekak |
Astoria | 1836 | Washington Irving | Biografi/Sajarah |
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville | 1837 | Washington Irving | Biografi/Sajarah Romantis |
The Life of Oliver Goldsmith | 1840 (dirévisi 1849) |
Washington Irving | Biografi |
Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaret Miller Davidson |
1841 | Washington Irving | Biografi |
Mahomet and His Successors | 1850 | Washington Irving | Biografi |
Wolfert's Roost | 1855 | Geoffrey Crayon Diedrich Knickerbocker Washington Irving |
Biography |
The Life of George Washington (5 volume) | 1855–1859 | Washington Irving | Biografi |
[besut | besut sumber]Cathetan sikil
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ Irving's publisher, John Murray, overrode Irving's decision to use this pseudonym and published the book under Irving's name—much to the annoyance of its author. See Jones 258-59.
- ↑ Composed of the three short stories "A Tour on the Prairies", "Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey", and "Legends of the Conquest of Spain".
Bahan pustaka
[besut | besut sumber]- Burstein, Andrew. The Original Knickerbocker: The Life of Washington Irving. (Basic Books, 2007). ISBN 978-0-465-00853-7
- Bowers, Claude G. The Spanish Adventures of Washington Irving. (Riverside Press, 1940).
- Hellman, George S. Washington Irving, Esquire. (Alfred A. Knopf, 1925).
- Grant, Edward. (2001) God & Reason in the Middle Ages, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-80279-2 hardcover; ISBN 978-0-521-00337-7 softcover.
- Grant, John. (2006) Discarded Science: Ideas that seemed good at the time... [sic], ff&f (Facts, Figures & Fun), publisher, ISBN 978-1-904332-49-7 hardcover.
- Irving, Pierre M. Life and Letters of Washington Irving. 4 vols. (G.P. Putnam, 1862). Cited herein as PMI.
- Irving, Washington. The Complete Works of Washington Irving. (Rust, et al., editors). 30 vols. (University of Wisconsin/Twayne, 1969–1986). Cited herein as Works.
- Irving, Washington. (1828) History of the Life of Christopher Columbus, 3 volumes, 1828, G. & C. Carvill, publishers, New York, New York; as 4 volumes, 1828, John Murray, publisher, London; and as 4 volumes, 1828, Paris A. and W. Galignani, publishers, France.
- Irving, Washington. (1829) The Life and Voyage of Christopher Columbus, 1 volume, 1829, G. & C. & H. Carvill, publishers, New York, New York; an abridged version prepared by Irving of his 1828 work.
- Jones, Brian Jay. Washington Irving: An American Original. (Arcade, 2008). ISBN 978-1-55970-836-4
- Warner, Charles Dudley. Washington Irving. (Riverside Press, 1881).
- Williams, Stanley T. The Life of Washington Irving. 2 vols. (Oxford University Press, 1935). ISBN 0-7812-5291-1
Pranala njaba
[besut | besut sumber]![]() |
Wikimedia Commons duwé médhia ngenani Washington Irving. |
- Works by or about Washington Irving at Internet Archive (scanned books original editions color illustrated)
- Works by Washington Irving at Project Gutenberg (plain text and HTML)
- Famous Quotes by Washington Irving Archived 2008-02-06 at the Wayback Machine.
- Washington Irving's Sunnyside Archived 2011-08-07 at the Wayback Machine.
- Timothy Hopkins' Washington Irving collection, 1683–1839(5 volumes) is housed in the Department of Special Collections and University Archives at Stanford University Libraries
- Index Entry for Washington Irving at Poets' Corner
Jabatan diplomatik | ||
Kang sadurungé Aaron Vail |
Dubes AS kanggo Spanyol 1842–1846 |
Kang sawisé Romulus M. Saunders |
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