Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia Basa Yunani:Ἁγία Σοφία; "Kawicaksanan Suci", Basa Turki:Ayasofya, Basa Latin:Sancta Sophia utawa Sancta Sapientia) iku panggonan, tilas gréja,mesjid, musiyum, banjur dadi mesjid malih, ing Istanbul, Turki. Misuwur kanthi mustaka/kubah kang gedhé, wangunan iki dianggep lambang utawa conto Arsitèktur Bizantium. Wangunan iki dadi katedral kang gedhé dhéwé sadonya sadurungé ana Katedral Sevilla.
[besut | besut sumber]Hagia Sophia ya iku yasan kuna panilasan saka kamaharajan Romawi wetan, kang ana ing tengah-tengah kuta Konstantinopel.Wangunan Konstantinopel sadurungé kanthi jéneng Byzantium Constantinopel (280-337),kanthi mlakuné jaman semanauga ganti dadi jeneng Istanbul, salah sijiné kuta kang misuwur ana ing Turki. Hagia Sophia kanggo Greja ana ing umat Kristen wétan kang digawé Konstantius ya iku putrané Kaisar Konstantinus Agung, wiwitane awujud Basilika kang ditahbisake ing taun 360. Gréja iki ngalami arubah wujud saka bangunané amarga kobongan lan lindhu. Ing masa kaisar Yustinianus (527-565), Hagia Sophia kang nglambangaké kajayaan kamaharajan Romawi Wétan diresmikake ana ing tanggal 7 mei 558 lan pangrombakan wujudté yasan ana ing awal abad-14. Sajeroning Contstantinopel tiba ana ing tangan bala Islam kang di pimpin ana ing Mehmed II(Muhammad al-Fatih), pamaréntahan taun 1444-1446 lan 1451-1481 ing tanggal 27 mei 1453, jeneng kuta diganti dadi Qustantaniyyeh (Kostantiniyye) lan didadèkaké ibu kutha Kesultanan Utsmaniyah. Sajeroning Constantinopel bisa direbut, Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih ngumandangake takbir lan nglakuni Shalat. Gréja Aya Sofia didadèkaké Mesjid lan dikenal karan mesjid Aya Sofia (Hagia Sophia). Sajeroning limang abad dadi mesjid, panguasa Turki kang jenenge Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ndadèkaké mesjid Aya Sofia dadi musiyum ing sajeroning pangawasan pamaréntah. Pungkasane ing tanggal 10 Juli 2020, pengadilan dhuwur Turki mbatalake keputusan 1943 sing ngganti status Hagia Sophia dadi museum. Bebarengan karo keputusan kasebut, ing tanggal sing padha Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan ngetokake dekrit kang unine," Hagia Sophia bali menyang guna asline minangka papan ngibadah Muslim. Ngibadah pisanan bisa ditindakake wiwit 24 Juli." Sanajan wis diowahi dadi mesjid, Hagia Sophia tetep mbukak kanggo umum kang pengin plesir menyang Hagia Sophia.
Sawetara negara barat ora sarujuk ana kedadeyan iki, kayata Yunani lan Vatikan, nanging ana uga umat Kristen kang sarujuk amarga pamrentah Turki nduweni hak marang Hagia Sophia.
[besut | besut sumber]Exterior
Foto Hagia Sophia nalika jaman Turki Utsmani (1880)
Pemandangan saka alun-alun Sultan Ahmed
Sesawangan saka alun-alun utama
Sesawangan Hagia Sophia ing wayah wengi
Sesawangan njero wangunan
Gambar mozaik Theotokos ing njeron mustaka
Cagak-cagak jaman Bizantin lan mustaka
Cagak lan ukirane
Gapura menyang narthex njaba karo mozaik
Sesawangan gapura kamaharajan lan loge prameswari
Gerbang Endhah
Prasasti St Gregorius Thaumaturgus sing dianggep karo kekuwatan ajaib
Salah sawijining Prasasti runic ing Hagia Sophia, mbokmenawa ditulis dening anggota Pengawal Varangian
Galeri Ndhuwur
Galeri ndhuwur ing loge saka prameswari
Galeri sisih
Cagak Bizantin lan mosaik, lan lukisan jaman Turki Utsmani
Mosaik Kaisar Alexander nyekeli tengkorak
Closeup saka lawang marmer karo kunci lan keyhole
Kaisar Alexios I ing mosaik Komnenos
Carved cross on one of the marble panels
Closeup of one of the Seraphim at the dome
View onto the Blue Mosque from one of the windows
Èleèn Islam
The Loge of the Sultan, decorated by the Fossati brothers
The mimbar from where the imam preached
Large medaillons by the Fossati brothers, proclaiming the name of Allah and his prophet
Iznik tiles showing the Kaaba, located next to the apse
Illuminated Iraqi manuscript from the De Materia Medica (1224 CE), kept in the library
Ablution basins for cleaning before prayer, outside the main entrance
Lukisan sajarah
Sketch of the mosaics in the eastern main arch and the apsis, by the Fossati brothers when found in the 19th century
Sketch of the six patriarchs panel mosaics of the southern tympanon (by Fossati)
Sketch of the six patriarchs panel mosaics of the northern tympanon (by Fossati)
[besut | besut sumber]Uga delengen
[besut | besut sumber]- Church of the Holy Apostles - formerly the second most important church of Constantinople
- Hagia Irene - neighbouring church
- Chora Church
- Pammakaristos Church
- Haseki Hürrem Sultan Hamamı - bath commissioned by Roxelana for the Hagia Sophia community
[besut | besut sumber]- Mainstone, Rowland J. (1997). Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure, and Liturgy of Justinian's Great Church (reprint edition). W W Norton & Co Inc. ISBN 0-500-27945-4..
- Akṣit, Ilhan. Hagia Sophia. Akṣit Kültür ve Turizm Yayincilik. ISBN 975-7039-07-1.
- Turner, J. - Grove Dictionary of Art - Oxford University Press, USA; New Ed edition (January 2, 1996); ISBN 0-19-517068-7
[besut | besut sumber]- Joseph D. Alchermes: Art and Architecture in the Age of Justinian, in: Michael Maas (Ed.): The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian. Cambridge 2005, pg. 343–375.
- Balfour, John Patrick Douglas (1972). Hagia Sophia. W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-88225-014-4.
- Cimok, Fatih (2004). Hagia Sophia. Milet Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-975-7199-61-8.
- Doumato, Lamia (1980). The Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia: Selected references. Vance Bibliographies. ASIN B0006E2O2M.
- Goriansky, Lev Vladimir (1933). Haghia Sophia: analysis of the architecture, art and spirit behind the shrine in Constantinople dedicated to Hagia Sophia. American School of Philosophy. ASIN B0008C47EA.
- Howland Swift, Emerson (1937). The bronze doors of the gate of the horologium at Hagia Sophia. University of Chicago. ASIN B000889GIG.
- Kahler, Heinz (1967). Haghia Sophia. Praeger. ASIN B0008C47EA.
- Kinross, Lord (1972). Hagia Sophia, Wonders of Man. Newsweek. ASIN B000K5QN9W.
- Kleinbauer, W. Eugene; Anthony White (2007). Hagia Sophia. London: Scala Publishers. ISBN 978-1-85759-308-2.
- Kleinbauer, W. Eugene (2000). Saint Sophia at Constantinople: Singulariter in Mundo (Monograph (Frederic Lindley Morgan Chair of Architectural Design), No. 5.). William L. Bauhan. ISBN 978-0-87233-123-5.
- Krautheimer, Richard (1984). Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-05294-7.
- Mainstone, R. J. (1997). Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure, and Liturgy of Justinian's Great Church. London: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-27945-8.
- Mainstone, Rowland J. (1988). Hagia Sophia. Architecture, structure and liturgy of Justinian's great church. London: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-34098-6.
- Mango, Cyril; Ahmed Ertuğ (1997). Hagia Sophia. A vision for empires. Istanbul.
- Nelson, Robert S. (2004). Hagia Sophia, 1850-1950: Holy Wisdom Modern Monument. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-57171-3.
- Özkul, T. A. (2007). Structural characteristics of Hagia Sophia: I-A finite element formulation for static analysis. Elsevier.
- Swainson, Harold (2005). The Church of Sancta Sophia Constantinople: A Study of Byzantine Building. Boston, MA: Adamant Media Corporation. ISBN 978-1-4021-8345-4.
- Yucel, Erdem (2005). Hagia Sophia. Scala Publishers. ISBN 978-1-85759-250-4.
- Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present. Princeton Architectural. 1992. ISBN 978-1-878271-11-2.
[besut | besut sumber]- MacDonald, William Lloyd (1951). The uncovering of Byzantine mosaics in Hagia Sophia. Archaeological Institute of America. ASIN B0007GZTKS.
- Mango, Cyril (1972). The mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul: The church fathers in the north Tympanum. Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. ASIN B0007CAVA0.
- Mango, Cyril (1968). The Apse mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul: Report on work carried out in 1964. Johnson Reprints. ASIN B0007G5RBY.
- Mango, Cyril; Heinz Kahler (1967). Hagia Sophia: With a Chapter on the Mosaics. Praeger. ASIN B0000CO5IL.
- Teteriatnikov, Natalia B. (1998). Mosaics of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul: The Fossati Restoration and the Work of the Byzantine Institute. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. ISBN 978-0-88402-264-0.
- Yücel, Erdem (1988). The mosaics of Hagia Sophia. Efe Turizm. ASIN B0007CBGYA.
Pranala njaba
[besut | besut sumber]![]() |
Wikimedia Commons duwé médhia ngenani Hagia Sophia. |
- Byzantium 1200 | Hagia Sophia computer reconstruction
- Contemporary description Archived 2010-04-18 at the Wayback Machine. by Procopius, Buildings (De Aedificiis), published in 561.
- Interactive floor plan.
- YouTube | Hagia Sophia - Videos
- Ecunemical Patriarchate | Hagia Sophia - Photos
- Agia Sofia - history and pictures Archived 2010-06-14 at the Wayback Machine.
- Hagia Sofia - The Holy Grail's Resting Place
[besut | besut sumber]- Mosaic Art Source | Hagia Sophia - detailed views
- Deesis Mosaic of Christ from the South Gallery of Hagia Sophia.