Pir eri | |
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Opuntia littoralis var. vaseyi | |
Klasifikasi ngèlmiah | |
Karajan: | Plantae |
Unranked: | Angiospermae |
Unranked: | Eudicots |
Unranked: | Core eudicots |
Ordho: | Caryophyllales |
Famili: | Cactaceae |
Subfamili: | Opuntioideae |
Tribe: | Opuntieae |
Génus: | Opuntia Mill. |
Spesies | |
Luwih akèh, pirsani tèks. | |
Sinonim | |
lan pirsani tèks |
Opuntia, uga ditepungi minangka nopales utawa kaktus dayung (pirsani ing ngisor), iku génus ing famili kaktus, Cactaceae.
Saiki, mung pir eri sing kalebu sajeroning génus iki watara 200[1] spésies disebaraké ing mèh kabèh Amérika. Chollas saiki dipisahaké sajeroning génus Cylindropuntia, sing sapérangan isih nimbang subgenus saka Opuntia. Austrocylindropuntia, Corynopuntia lan Micropuntia uga asring dilebokaké sajeroning génus iki, nanging kaya Cylindropuntia dhèwèké katoné béda cukup becik. Brasiliopuntia lan Miqueliopuntia iku kerabat cerak saka Opuntia.
Tuwuhing cawang Pir Eri
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Spesies pilihan
[besut | besut sumber]Opuntia hibrida gampang antar spésies.[2] Iki bisa njalari angèl anggoné klasifikasi. Uga, ora kabèh spésies sing kadhaftar ing kéné mungel sajatiné kalebu génus iki.

Opuntia fragilis

Opuntia polycantha

- Opuntia aciculata
- Opuntia anacantha
- Opuntia atrispina
- Opuntia auberi
- Opuntia aurantiaca
- Opuntia basilaris – kaktus beavertail
- Opuntia bigelovii – Teddybear cholla, jumping cholla
- Opuntia boldinghii
- Opuntia chaffeyi
- Opuntia chlorotica – Pancake Prickly Pear; asli USA kidul-kulon lan Sonoran lan ara-ara Mojave.
- Opuntia clavata
- Opuntia cochenillifera
- Opuntia comonduensis
- Opuntia compressa
- Opuntia curvospina
- Opuntia decumana
- Opuntia decumbens – Nopal de Culebra
- Opuntia dejecta
- Opuntia echinocarpa
- Opuntia echios
- Opuntia echios var. gigantea – Galápagos prickly pear. Kapoloan Galápagos.
- Opuntia elata
- Opuntia elatior Mill. – sinonim O. bergeriana
- Opuntia engelmannii – Engelmann's Prickly Pear, Cow's-tongue Prickly Pear, Desert Prickly Pear, Discus Prickly Pear, Texas Prickly Pear, kaktus belacu
- Opuntia erinacea
- Opuntia exaltata
- Opuntia excelsa
- Opuntia ficus-barbarica
- Opuntia ficus-indica – Indian Fig Opuntia
- Opuntia fragilis – Little Prickly Pear, brittle cactus. Ditemokaké ing Great Plains lan saadoh-adohé kulon British Columbia.
- Opuntia galapageia
- Opuntia gosseliniana – Violet Prickly Pear
- Opuntia gosseliniana var. santa-rita – Santa Rita Prickly Pear
- Opuntia helleri
- Opuntia hickenii
- Opuntia humifusa – Eastern Prickly Pear (sok-sok kalebu ing O. compressa)
- Opuntia hyptiacantha
- Opuntia imbricata – Tree cholla
- Opuntia inamoema K. Schum. – quipá
- Opuntia insularis
- Opuntia invicta
- Opuntia jamaicensis
- Opuntia laevis
- Opuntia lasiacantha
- Opuntia leptocaulis – Kaktus potelot, Kaktus natal ara-ara
- Opuntia leucotricha – Arborescent Prickly Pear, Aaron's beard cactus, semaphore cactus, Duraznillo blanco, Nopal blanco
- Opuntia lindheimeri – Cowtongue Prickly Pear
- Opuntia littoralis – Sprawling Prickly Pear
- Opuntia longispina
- Opuntia macrocentra – Black-spine Prickly Pear, Purple Prickly Pear. Ditemokaké kidul-kulon USA lan Meksiko lor.
- Opuntia macrorhiza – Plains Prickly Pear. Ditemokaké ing kabèh Great Plains kejaba kanggo laladan lor (ora tinemu Dakota Lor), lan mawiyar kanthi sporadis mangétan tekan Kentucky. Sinonim O. leptocarpa MacKensen, O. tenuispina Engelm., O. tortispina Engelm. & Bigelow
- Opuntia maldonandensis
- Opuntia maxima
- Opuntia megacantha
- Opuntia megarrhiza
- Opuntia megasperma
- Opuntia microdasys – Kaktus kuping klinci, Kaktus polka-dot
- Opuntia monacantha – Common Prickly Pear
- Opuntia oricola
- Opuntia ovata
- Opuntia pachypus
- Opuntia pachyrrhiza
- Opuntia phaeacantha – Tulip Prickly Pear. Klebu Plateau Prickly Pear, Brown-spined Prickly Pear, Mojave Prickly Pear, Kingman Prickly Pear.
- Opuntia pinkavae – Pinkava's Prickly Pear
- Opuntia polyacantha – Panhandle Prickly Pear. Ditemokaké ing Great Plains, Great Basin, Mojave Desert, Colorado Plateau, lan ing Rocky Mountains. Sinonim. O. rhodantha K.Schum.
- Opuntia polyacantha var. arenaria (sinonim O. erinacea)
- Opuntia pubescens (sinonim O. pascoensis Britton & Rose)
- Opuntia pusilla – Creeping cactus. Sinonim. O. drummondii Graham
- Opuntia quitensis – Red Buttons Opuntia (sinonim O. macbridei, O. johnsonii, Platyopuntia quitensis)
- Opuntia rastrera
- Opuntia repens
- Opuntia robusta
- Opuntia rufida (sok-sok kalebu sajeroning O. microdasys)
- Opuntia saxicola
- Opuntia schumannii
- Opuntia soehrensii
- Opuntia stenopetala (sinonim O. riviereana Backeb.)
- Opuntia streptacantha
- Opuntia stricta – Erect Prickly Pear, Spineless Prickly Pear, Coastal Prickly Pear
- Opuntia subulata – tinemu ing Amérika Kidul
- Opuntia sulphurea
- Opuntia taylori
- Opuntia tehuantepecana – Nopal de Caballo
- Opuntia tomentosa – Woollyjoint Prickly Pear
- Opuntia triacantha
- Opuntia tuna
- Opuntia velutina
- Opuntia violacea

Opuntia biyèn
[besut | besut sumber]- Austrocylindropuntia
- Brasiliopuntia
- Corynopuntia
- Cylindropuntia
- Disocactus phyllanthoides (minangka Opuntia speciosa)
- Micropuntia
- Miqueliopuntia
Pirsani uga
[besut | besut sumber]Cathetan sikil
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ Jon P. Rebman, Ph.D., "What has happened to Opuntia?" San Diego Natural History Museum
- ↑ Masalah sitiran: Tenger
ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi jenenggriffith2004
[besut | besut sumber]Austria (1995): The bug that changed history. Boatman's Quarterly Rreview 8(2). HTML fulltext Archived 2006-06-21 at the Wayback Machine.
Austria (2000): Effects of Opuntia megacantha on blood glucose and kidney function in streptozotocin diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 69(3): 247–252. doi:10.1016/S0378-8741(99)00123-3 PMID 10722207 (HTML abstract)
Austria (2002): Taxonomy, distribution, rarity status and uses of Canadian Cacti. Haseltonia 9: 17–25 Google Scholar PDF abstract Archived 2008-09-10 at the Wayback Machine.
Austria (1983): Effects of nopal (Opuntia sp.) on serum lipids, glycemia and body weight. Archivos de investigacion medica 14(2): 117–125. PMID 6314922 [Article in English, Spanish]
Austria (1995): Ayahuasca Additive Plants. In: Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangaean Entheogens.
Austria (2005): Interventions for preventing or treating alcohol hangover: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Brit. Med. J. 331(7531): 1515–1518. doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1515 PMID 16373736 PDF fulltext
Austria (1988): Natural Enemies of Cochineal (Dactylopius coccus Costa): Importance in Mexico. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development 3: 43–49. PDF fulltext Archived 2009-03-26 at the Wayback Machine.
Austria (1998): Glycemic Effects of Various Species of Nopal (Opuntia sp.) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Texas Journal of Rural Health 16(1): 68–76.
Austria (1997): Visionary Cactus Guide: Opunita Archived 2001-03-08 at the Wayback Machine. [sic]. Retrieved 2007-OCT-15.
Austria (2004): Effect of Opuntia ficus indica [sic] on Symptoms of the Alcohol Hangover. Arch. Intern. Med. 164(12): 1334–1340. PDF fulltext
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