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Saka Wikipédia Jawa, bauwarna mardika basa Jawa
Kulfi inside a matka pot from India
Jeneng liyanéQulfi, Khulfi
JinisIce cream
Panggonan asalMughal Empire[1]
Tlatah utawa prajaSouth Asia
Olah-olahan nasional gegayutanIndia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma
Woworan pokokMilk
Buku masakan: Kulfi  Médhia: Kulfi
Kulfi isi pelem
Kulfi nganggo saus stroberi
Kulfi berperisa, vanilla lan mawar

Kulfi utawa Qulfi ( /kʊlf/ ) minangka panganan cuci mulut susu beku sing asale saka benua India ing abad kaping 16. Iki asring diarani " es krim tradisional India". [2] [3] Iki misuwur ing saindenging India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), lan Timur Tengah, lan kasedhiya ing restoran sing nyedhiyakake masakan saka anak bawana India ing saindenging jagad.

Kulfi padha karo tampilan es lan rasa ing es krim, nanging luwih kenthel lan krim. [4] [5] Kasedhiya kanthi macem-macem rasa. Sing luwih tradisional yaiku krim ( malai ), mawar, pelem, kapulaga ( elaichi ), safron ( kesar utawa zafran ), lan pistachio. Ana variasi sing luwih anyar kayata apel, oranye, stroberi, kacang, lan alpukat. Beda karo es krim, kulfi ora dikocok, ngasilake panganan cuci mulut sing beku padhet lan padha karo es krim adhedhasar kastard tradisional. Mula, kadang dianggep minangka kategori panganan cuci mulut adhedhasar susu beku sing beda. Amarga kerapatan, kulfi butuh wektu luwih suwe kanggo leleh tinimbang es krim Kulon.


[besut | besut sumber]
  1. Camellia Panjabi (1995). The Great Curries of India. Simon and Schuster. kc. 180–. ISBN 978-0-684-80383-8.
  2. Caroline Liddell, Robin Weir (15 July 1996), Frozen Desserts: The Definitive Guide to Making Ice Creams, Ices, Sorbets, Gelati, and Other Frozen Delights, Macmillan, 1996, ISBN 978-0-312-14343-5, ... Kulfi is the traditional Indian ice cream and has a strongly characteristic cooked-milk flavour and dense icy texture. ... The basis of making kulfi is to reduce a large volume of milk down to a very small concentrated amount ...
  3. Lulu Grimes (2009), Cook's Book of Everything, Murdoch Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-74196-033-4, ... This simple, elegant ice cream is made by boiling milk until it reduces and condenses, then flavouring it with ingredients such as cardamom and pistachio nuts or almonds. Kulfi is traditionally set in cone-shaped ...
  4. Caroline Liddell, Robin Weir (15 July 1996), Frozen Desserts: The Definitive Guide to Making Ice Creams, Ices, Sorbets, Gelati, and Other Frozen Delights, Macmillan, 1996, ISBN 978-0-312-14343-5, ... Kulfi is the traditional Indian ice cream and has a strongly characteristic cooked-milk flavour and dense icy texture. ... The basis of making kulfi is to reduce a large volume of milk down to a very small concentrated amount ...
  5. Matthew Kenney (September 2009), Entertaining in the Raw, Gibbs Smith, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4236-0208-8, ... Kulfi is an Indian-style ice cream that is richer and creamier than regular ice cream, due to the lack of air that is whipped into traditional ice cream to make it lighter. The milk, traditionally from buffalo ...