Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson LLD MA | |
![]() Samuel Johnson c. 1772, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds | |
Lair | (O.S. 7 September) Lichfield, Staffordshire, Great Britain | 18 Sèptèmber 1709
Pati | Cithakan:Death-date and age London, Great Britain |
Pakarya | essayist, lexicographer, biographer, poet |
Basa | English |
Bangsa | English |
Suku | English |
Bojo | Elizabeth Jervis Porter |
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Wikicuplik duwé cuplikan ngenani: Samuel Johnson |
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Wikimedia Commons duwé médhia ngenani Samuel Johnson. |
Samuel Johnson utawa kang kondhang Dr. Johnson lair ing kutha lichfield, Inggris, tanggal 8 September 1709. Dhèwèké séda ing tanggal 13 Dhésèmber 1784.[1] Johnson iku penulis saka Inggris kang duwé kontribusi akèh ing babagan sastra Inggris minangka penyair, panulis esai, moralis, kritikus sastra, panulis biografi, editor, lan leksikograf. Johnson iku wong kang akèh kontribusine ing babagan aksara Inggris. Dhèwèké uga dadi subjek "karya tunggal seni biografi kang paling misuwur ing sakabehing literatur": Kauripan James Boswell saka Samuel Johnson.
Sasuwene kerja sangang taun, Kamus Johnson ing Basa Inggris dibabarake ing taun 1755. Kamus iki duwé prabawa gedhé ing basa Inggris modern lan bisa digambarake minangka "salah siji prestasi tunggal gedhé dhéwé ing beasiswa". Kamus iku ndadèkaké Johnson dadi misuwur lan sukses. Nganti sarampunge Kamus Basa Inggris Oxford 150 taun sangarepe, Johnson dianggep wong kang gawé kamus unggulan Inggris. Karya-karyané iku kalebu esai, edisi beranotasi kang duwé prabawa drama William Shakespeare, lan carita Rasselas kang akèh diwaca. Taun 1763, dhèwèké kekancanan karo James Boswell. Dhèwèké banjur lunga adoh menyang Sekotlan. Johnson nyritakake caritane ing Perjalanan menyang KapuloanBarat Sekotlan. Ing pungkasaning uripé, dhèwèké bisa ndadèkaké kauripane dadi wong kang duwé kontribusi kang gedhé ing Penyair Inggris Paling Eminent, kumpulan biografi, lan evaluasi penyair-17 lan abad kaping 18.[2]
Major works
[besut | besut sumber]Essai, Pamflet, periodikal, khotbah
[besut | besut sumber]- 1732 – 1733 Birmingham Journal
- 1747 Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language
- 1750 – 1752 The Rambler
- 1753 – 1754 The Adventurer
- 1756 Universal Visiter
- 1756 The Literary Magazine, or Universal Review
- 1758 – 1760 The Idler (1758–1760)
- 1770 The False Alarm
- 1771 Thoughts on the Late Transactions Respecting Falkland's Islands
- 1774 The Patriot
- 1775 A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland lan Taxation No Tyranny
- 1781 The Beauties of Johnson
[besut | besut sumber]- 1728 Messiah, a translation into Latin of Alexander Pope's Messiah
- 1738 London
- 1747 Prologue at the Opening of the Theatre in Drury Lane
- 1749 The Vanity of Human Wishes lan Irene, a Tragedy
Biografi lan kritik
[besut | besut sumber]- 1744 Life of Mr Richard Savage
- 1745 Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth
- 1756 "Life of Browne" in Thomas Browne's Christian Morals lan Proposals for Printing, by Subscription, the Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare
- 1765 Preface to the Plays of William Shakespeare lan The Plays of William Shakespeare
- 1779 – 1781 Lives of the Poets
[besut | besut sumber]- 1755 Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language lan A Dictionary of the English Language
[besut | besut sumber]- 1759 The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia
Cathetan sikil
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ Samuel Johnson (kaundhuh tanggal 10 Agustus 2011)
- ↑ Buku Pintar Tokoh Ternama Edisi Kedua. Delaprasta. ISBN 979-8965-58-2
Pranala njaba
[besut | besut sumber]- (ing basa Inggris)BBC audio file. In Our Time Radio 4 diskusi. 45 menit.
- (ing basa Inggris)A Monument More Durable Than Brass: The Donald and Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson Archived 2017-10-31 at the Wayback Machine. – online exhibition from Houghton Library, Harvard University.
- (ing basa Inggris)The Samuel Johnson Project Archived 2014-12-18 at the Wayback Machine. and sculpture initiative in Lichfield
- (ing basa Inggris)The Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page, comprehensive collection of quotations
- (ing basa Inggris)The History Page at Dr. Johnson's House, London Archived 2010-04-03 at the Wayback Machine.
- (ing basa Inggris)Life of Johnson, ing Proyèk Gutenberg by James Boswell, abridged by Charles Grosvenor Osgood in 1917 "... omitt[ing] most of Boswell's criticisms, comments and notes, all of Johnson's opinions in legal cases, most of the letters, ..."