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Anthony Giddens

Saka Wikipédia Jawa, bauwarna mardika basa Jawa
The Right Honourable
The Lord Giddens
Giddens at the Progressive Governance Conference, Budapest 2004
Lair (1938-01-18) 18 Januari 1938 (umur 86)
London, Inggris
KabangsanKarajan Manunggal Britania
InstitusiUniversitas Leicester
Universitas Cambridge
London School of Economics
Alma materUniversitas Hull (BA)
Universitas Cambridge (PhD)
Misuwur amargaStructuration
The Third Way

Anthony Giddens, Baron Giddens (lair 18 Januari 1938; umur 86 taun) ya iku sosiolog asal Britania Raya.[1] Dhèwèké ya iku sawijining sosiolog Inggris kang misuwur amarga téyori strukturasi lan pandangan ngenani masarakat modern.[2]

Dhèwèké dianggap minangka salah sawijining kontributor sosiologi modern.[3] Telung tahap kang paling wigati bisa diidentifikasi ing akademise. Kang wiwitan ya iku mèlu njabarake sawijining visi anyar ngenani apa sosiologi iku, ngandharake pemahaman téyoritis lan metodologis saka babagan mau manut reinterpretasi kritis tumrap klasik.[4] Ing tahap kaping pindho Giddens ngrembakaaketéyori strukturasi, analisis agen lan struktur.Karyane periode iki, kaya ta Pusat Permasalahan ing Téyori Sosial (1979) lan Konstitusi Masarakat (1.984), ndadèkaké dhèwèké dadi misuwur ing donya internasional ing babagan sosiologis.[5]

Asil karya

[besut | besut sumber]
  • Giddens, Anthony (1971) Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. An Analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1973) The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies. London : Hutchinson.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1976) Functionalism: apres la lutte, Social Research, 43, 325-66
  • Giddens, Anthony (1976) New Rules of Sociological Method: a Positive Critique of interpretative Sociologies. London : Hutchinson.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1977) Studies in Social and Political Theory. London : Hutchinson.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1979) Central problems in Social Theory : Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis. London : Macmillan.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1981) A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism. Vol. 1. Power, Property and the State. London : Macmillan.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1982) Sociology: a Brief but Critical Introduction. London : Macmillan.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1982) Profiles and Critiques in Social Theory. London : Macmillan.
  • Giddens, Anthony & Mackenzie, Gavin (Eds.) (1982) Social Class and the Division of Labour. Essays in Honour of Ilya Neustadt. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1984) The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1985) A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism. Vol. 2. The Nation State and Violence. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1986) Durkheim. London : Fontana Modern Masters.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1990) The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Cambridge: Polity (publisher).
  • Beck, Ulrich & Giddens, Anthony & Lash, Scott (1994) Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1994) Beyond Left and Right — the Future of Radical Politics. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1995) Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1996) In Defence of Sociology. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1996) Durkheim on Politics and the State. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1998) The Third Way. The Renewal of Social Democracy. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (1999) Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives. London : Profile.
  • Hutton, Will & Giddens, Anthony (Eds.) (2000) On The Edge. Living with Global Capitalism. London : Vintage.
  • Giddens, Anthony (2000) The Third Way and Its Critics. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2000) Runaway World. London : Routledge.
  • Giddens, Anthony (Ed.) (2001) The Global Third Way Debate. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2002) Where Now for New Labour? Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (Ed.) (2003) The Progressive Manifesto. New Ideas for the Centre-Left. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (Ed.) (2005) The New Egalitarianism Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2006) Sociology (Fifth Edition). Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2007) Europe In The Global Age. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2007) Over to You, Mr Brown - How Labour Can Win Again. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2009) The Politics of Climate Change. Cambridge : Polity (publisher).
  • Giddens, Anthony (2009) Sociology (Sixth Edition). Cambridge : Polity (publisher).

Cathetan suku

[besut | besut sumber]
  1. Gill, J. (2009) Giddens trumps Marx but French thinkers triumph, Times Higher Education, diundhuh tanggal 12 Juni 2010
  2. Times Higher Education Most cited authors of books in the humanities, 2007, Times Higher Education, Diundhuh tanggal 26 Maret 2009.
  3. David Halpin, Hope and Education: The Role of the Utopian Imagination, Routledge, 2003, ISBN 0-415-23368-2, Google Print p.63
  4. "The Lecturer: Anthony Giddens". The Reith Lectures. BBC. 1999. {{cite web}}: Text "diundhuh tanggal 12 Juni 2010" ignored (pitulung)

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