Wikipédia:IPA kanggo Basa Mandarin
Tabel ing ngisor iki nuduhaké Alfabet Fonetis Internasional (International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA) sing dianggo nulis pelafalan jroning basa Mandarin ing artikel-artikel Wikipedia.
Urutan bopomofo
[besut sumber]thumb|300px| Cithakan:Bopomofo
- Konsonan
- bo po mo fo (dibaca: po bo mo fo; b dibaca p, p dibaca b)
- de te ne le (dibaca: te de ne le; d dibaca t, t dibaca d)
- ge ke he (dibaca: ke ge he; g dibaca k, k dibaca g)
- ji qi xi (dibaca: ci ji si; j dibaca c, q dibaca j, x dibaca s)
- zhi chi shi ri (dibaca: che jhe she re; zh dibaca ch, ch dibaca jh, huruf i di belakang zh/ch/sh/r dibaca e)
- zi ci si (dibaca: ce je se; z dibaca c, c dibaca j, huruf i di belakang z/c/s dibaca e)
- Vokal
Beberapa perbedaan antara penulisan pinyin dengan pengejaan dalam bahasa Indonesia:
- -ou seringkali dibaca -o
- -ui dibaca -ué
- -un dibaca -uên, tetapi -ün tidak dibaca -üên, melainkan tetap -ün
- -ian dibaca -ién, kecuali jika dipisah tanda petik tunggal, mis: xian (/sién/) vs. Xi'an (/si an/)
Dua macam bunyi "i"
- Semua konsonan dapat diberi bunyi "i", kecuali "zh", "ch", "sh", "r", dan "z", "c", "s"
- "zh", "ch", "sh", "r", dan "z", "c", "s" ditulis dengan huruf "i": "zhi", "chi", "shi", "ri", dan "zi", "ci", "si", tetapi dibaca dengan suara "e" "/che/", "/jhe/", "/she/", "/re/", dan "/ce/", "/je/", "/se/"
- Bunyi "/ci/", "/ji/", "/si/" ditulis dengan "ji", "qi", "xi"
Indeks pinyin Tionghoa
[besut sumber]Terdapat 430 kemungkinan grafem dalam pinyin Tionghoa, tanpa menggunakan marka nada (tone marks).
- a
- a
- ai
- an
- ang
- ao
- b
- ba - /pa/
- bai - /pai/
- ban - /pan/
- bang - /pang/
- bao - /pao/
- bei - /pei/
- ben - /pen/
- beng - /peng/*
- bi - /pi/
- bian - /pien/
- biao - /piao/
- bie - /pie/
- bin - /pin/*
- bing - /ping/
- bo - /po/
- bu - /pu/
- c
- ca - /ja/*
- cai - /jai/
- can - /jan/
- cang - /jang/
- cao - /jao/
- ce - /je/
- cen - /jen/*
- ceng - /jeng/*
- cha - /jha/
- chai - /jhai/
- chan - /jhan/
- chang - /jhang/
- chao - /jhao/
- che - /jhe/
- chen - /jhen/
- cheng - /jheng/
- chi - /jhi/
- chong - /jhong/
- chou - /jho/
- chu - /jhu/
- chua - /jhua/*
- chuai - /jhuai/*
- chuan - /jhuan/
- chuang - /jhuang/
- chui - /jhui/
- chun - /jhuen/
- chuo - /jhuo/
- ci - /ji/
- cong - /jong/
- cou - /jo/*
- cu - /ju/
- cuan - /juan/
- cui - /jui/
- cun - /juen/
- cuo - /juo/
- d
- da - /ta/
- dai - /tai/
- dan - /tan/
- dang - /tang/
- dao - /tao/
- de - /te/
- dei - /tei/*
- den - /ten/*
- deng - /teng/
- di - /ti/
- dian - /tien/
- diao - /tiao/
- die - /tie/
- ding - /ting/
- diu - /tiu/
- dong - /tong/
- dou - /to/
- du - /tu/
- duan - /tuan/
- dui - /tui/
- dun - /tuen/
- duo - /tuo/
- e
- e
- en
- eng
- er
- f
- fa
- fan
- fang
- fei
- fen
- feng
- fo/fou
- fu
- g
- ga - /ka/*
- gai - /kai/
- gan - /kan/
- gang - /kang/
- gao - /kao/
- ge - /ke/
- gei - /kei/
- gen - /ken/
- geng - /keng/
- gong - /kong/
- gou - /ko/
- gu - /ku/
- gua - /kua/
- guai - /kuai/
- guan - /kuan/
- guang - /kuang
- gui - /kue/
- gun - /kuen/
- guo - /kuo/
- h
- ha
- hai
- han
- hang
- hao
- he
- hei
- hen
- heng
- hm
- hong
- hou - /ho/
- hu
- hua
- huai
- huan
- huang
- hui
- hun
- huo
- j
- ji
- jia
- jian
- jiang
- jiao
- jie
- jin
- jing
- jiong
- jiu
- ju
- juan
- jue
- jun
- k
- ka - /ga/*
- kai - /gai/
- kan - /gan/
- kang - /gang/
- kao - /gao/
- ke - /ge/
- ken - /gen/
- keng - /geng/*
- kong - /gong/
- kou - /go/
- ku - /gu/
- kua - /gua/*
- kuai - /guai/
- kuan - /guan/*
- kuang - /guang/
- kui - /gue/
- kun - /guen/
- kuo - /guo/*
- l
- la
- lai
- lan
- lang
- lao
- le
- lei
- leng
- li
- lia*
- lian
- liang
- liao
- lie
- lin
- ling
- liu
- lo*
- long
- lou - /lo/
- lu
- lü
- luan
- lüe*
- lun - /luen/
- luo
- m
- m*
- ma
- mai
- man
- mang
- mao
- me
- mei
- men
- meng
- mi
- mian - /mien/
- miao
- mie
- min
- ming
- miu*
- mo
- mou - /mo/
- mu
- n
- na
- nai
- nan
- nang
- nao
- ne
- nei
- nen*
- neng
- ni
- nian - /nien/
- niang
- niao
- nie*
- nin
- ning
- niu
- nong
- nou - /no/*
- nu
- nü
- nuan
- nüe*
- nuo
- o
- o/ou
- p
- pa - /ba/
- pai - /bai/
- pan - /ban/
- pang - /bang/
- pao - /bao/
- pei - /bei/
- pen - /ben/*
- peng - /beng/
- pi - /bi/
- pian - /bian/
- piao - /biao/
- pie - /bie/*
- pin - /bin/
- ping - /bing/
- po - /bo/
- pou - /bo/
- pu - /bu/
- q
- qi - /ji/
- qia - /jia/*
- qian - /jien/
- qiang - /jiang/
- qiao - /jiao/
- qie - /jie/
- qin - /jin/
- qing - /jing/
- qiong - /jiong/
- qiu - /jiu/
- qu - /jü/
- quan - /jüen/
- que - /jüe/
- qun - /jün/
- r
- ran
- rang
- rao
- re
- ren
- reng
- ri - /re/
- rong
- rou - /ro/
- ru
- ruan
- rui
- run - /ruen/*
- ruo
- s
- sa
- sai
- san
- sang
- sao
- se
- sen
- seng*
- sha
- shai*
- shan
- shang
- shao
- she
- shei*
- shen
- sheng
- shi
- shou - /sho/
- shu
- shua*
- shuai
- shuan*
- shuang
- shui
- shun - /shuen/
- shuo
- si - /se/
- song
- sou - /so/
- su
- suan
- sui
- sun - /suen/
- suo
- t
- ta - /da/
- tai - /dai/
- tan - /dan/
- tang - /dang/
- tao - /dao/
- te - /de/
- teng - /deng/
- ti - /di/
- tian - /dien/
- tiao - /diao/
- tie - /die/
- ting - /ding/
- tong - /dong/
- tou - /do/
- tu - /du/
- tuan - /duan/
- tui - /dui/
- tun - /duen/
- tuo - /duo/
- w
- wa
- wai
- wan
- wang
- wei
- wen
- weng - /ong/
- wo
- wu - /u/
- x
- xi - /si/
- xia - /sia/
- xian - /sien/
- xiang - /siang/
- xiao - /siao/
- xie - /sie/
- xin - /sin/
- xing - /sing/
- xiong - /siong/
- xiu - /siu/
- xu - /sü/
- xuan - /süen/
- xue - /süe/
- xun - /sün/
- y
- ya
- yai*
- yan - /yen/
- yang
- yao
- ye
- yi - /i/
- yin - /in/
- ying - /ing/
- yo*
- yong
- you - /yo/
- yu - /ü/
- yuan - /yuen/
- yue - /ye/
- yun - /yün/
- z
- za - /ca/
- zai - /cai/
- zan - /can/
- zang - /cang/
- zao - /cao/
- ze - /ce/
- zei - /cei/*
- zen - /cen/
- zeng - /ceng/
- zha - /cha/
- zhai - /chai/
- zhan - /chan/
- zhang - /chang/
- zhao - /chao/
- zhe - /che/
- zhei - /chei/*
- zhen - /chen/
- zheng - /cheng/
- zhi - /chi/
- zhong - /chong/
- zhou - /chou/
- zhu - /chu/
- zhua - /chua/
- zhuai - /chuai/*
- zhuan - /chuan/
- zhuang - /chuang/
- zhui - /chui/
- zhun - /chun/
- zhuo - /chuo/
- zi - /ce/
- zong - /cong/
- zou - /cou/
- zu - /cu/
- zuan - /cuan/
- zui - /cui/
- zun - /cuen/
- zuo - /cuo/
*Arang dianggo
Initials and finals
[besut sumber]Unlike European languages, clusters of letters – initials (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found.) and finals (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found.) – and not consonant and vowel letters, form the fundamental elements in pinyin (and most other phonetic systems used to describe the Han language). Every Mandarin syllable can be spelled with exactly one initial followed by one final, except for the special syllable er or when a trailing -r is considered part of a syllable (see below). The latter case, though a common practice in some sub-dialects, is rarely used in official publications. One exception is the city Harbin (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found.), whose name comes from the Manchu language.
Even though most initials contain a consonant, finals are not always simple vowels, especially in compound finals (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found.), i.e., when a "medial" is placed in front of the final. For example, the medials [i] and [u] are pronounced with such tight openings at the beginning of a final that some native Chinese speakers (especially when singing) pronounce yī (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found., clothes, officially pronounced /í/) as /jí/ and wéi (Masalah Lua ing package.lua larik 80: module 'Modul:No globals' not found., to enclose, officially pronounced /uěi/) as /wěi/ or /wuěi/. Often these medials are treated as separate from the finals rather than as part of them; this convention is followed in the chart of finals below.
[besut sumber]In each cell below, first the bold letters indicate pinyin, followed in brackets by the symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
1 "r" may phonetically be [ʐ] (a voiced retroflex fricative) or [ɻ] (a retroflex approximant). This pronunciation varies among different speakers, and is not two different phonemes.
2 the letters "w" and "y" are not included in the table of initials in the official pinyin system. They are an orthographic convention for the medials "i", "u" and "ü" when no initial is present. When "i", "u" or "ü" are finals and no initial is present, they are spelled "yi", "wu", and "yu", respectively.
3 "y" is pronounced [ɥ] (a labial-palatal approximant) before "u".
The conventional order (excluding w and y), derived from the zhuyin system, is:
b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s
[besut sumber]Cithakan:Mandarin vowels The following chart gives the combinations of medials and finals based on an analysis that assumes just two vowel nuclei, /a/ and /ə/;[8] various allophones result depending on phonetic context.
In each cell below, the first line indicates IPA, the second indicates pinyin for a standalone (no-initial) form, and the third indicates pinyin for a combination with an initial. Other than finals modified by an -r, which are omitted, the following is an exhaustive table of all possible finals.1[9]
The only syllable-final consonants in Standard Chinese are -n and -ng, and -r, which is attached as a grammatical suffix. A Chinese syllable ending with any other consonant either is from a non-Mandarin language (a southern Chinese language such as Cantonese, or a minority language of China), or indicates the use of a non-pinyin Romanization system (where final consonants may be used to indicate tones).
Final | Nucleus | /a/ | /ə/ | ∅ | ||||||||
Coda | ∅ | /i/ | /u/ | /n/ | /ŋ/ | ∅ | /i/ | /u/ | /n/ | /ŋ/ | ||
Medial | ∅ | [ɑ] a -a |
[aɪ̯] ai -ai |
[ɑʊ̯] ao -ao |
[an] an -an |
[ɑŋ] ang -ang |
[ɯ̯ʌ] e -e |
[eɪ̯] ei -ei |
[ɤʊ̯] ou -ou |
[ən] en -en |
[əŋ] eng -eng |
[ɨ] -i |
/i/ | [i̯ɑ] ya -ia |
[i̯ɑʊ̯] yao -iao |
[i̯ɛn] yan -ian |
[i̯ɑŋ] yang -iang |
[i̯ɛ] ye -ie |
[i̯ɤʊ̯] you -iu |
[in] yin -in |
[iŋ] ying -ing |
[i] yi -i | |||
/u/ | [u̯ɑ] wa -ua |
[u̯aɪ̯] wai -uai |
[u̯an] wan -uan |
[u̯ɑŋ] wang -uang |
[u̯ɔ] 3 wo -uo/-o |
[u̯eɪ̯] wei -ui |
[u̯ən] wen -un |
[u̯əŋ], [ʊŋ] 4 weng -ong |
[u] wu -u | |||
/y/ | [y̯ɛn] yuan -üan 2 |
[y̯œ] yue -üe 2 |
[yn] yun -ün 2 |
[i̯ʊŋ] yong -iong |
[y] yu -ü 2 |
1 [ɑɻ] is written er. For other finals formed by the suffix -r, pinyin does not use special orthography; one simply appends -r to the final that it is added to, without regard for any sound changes that may take place along the way. For information on sound changes related to final -r, please see Erhua#Rules.
2 "ü" is written as "u" after j, q, x, or y.
3 "uo" is written as "o" after b, p, m, or f.
4 "weng" is pronounced [ʊŋ] (written as "ong") when it follows an initial.
Technically, i, u, ü without a following vowel are finals, not medials, and therefore take the tone marks, but they are more concisely displayed as above. In addition, ê [ɛ] (欸, 誒) and syllabic nasals m (呒, 呣), n (嗯, 唔), ng (嗯, 𠮾) are used as interjections.
Deleng uga
[besut sumber]Cathetan
[besut sumber]- ↑ [ʐ] dapat diucap [ɻ].
- ↑ a b ü ([y], [ɥ]) dieja u setelah j, q, x sebagai [u], [w] tidak dapat terjadi setelah konsonan tersebut.
- ↑ uo dieja dengan o ketika didahului oleh b, p, m atau f, namun diucapkan sama.
- ↑ a b c wei, you, wen dieja ui, iu, un masing dalam pinyin, tapi diucapkan identik, ketika didahului oleh konsonan.
- ↑ Vokal sedikit "berdengung" Dalam suku kata shi, zhi, chi, ri, vokal juga ditarik: [ɨ ˞], bukan seperti ir dalam kata bird bahasa Inggris Amerika. Ini kadang-kadang tercantum sebagai suku kata frikatif ([z], [ʐ̩]), tapi ada frication kecil.
- ↑ Hanya terjadi di erhua dan umumnya tidak dianggap sebagai bagian dari persediaan vokal utama.
- ↑ terkadang ditulis dengan graf /v/ atau /yu/ apabila u umlaut (ü) tidak tersedia
- ↑ Hashimoto, Mantaro (1970). "Notes on Mandarin Phonology". Ing Jakobson, Roman; Kawamoto, Shigeo (èd.). Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics. Tokyo: TEC. kc. 207–220Cithakan:Inconsistent citations
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: CS1 maint: postscript (link) - ↑ You can hear recordings of the Finals here