
File:Eggnog2.jpg Eggnog with cinnamon | |
Negara asal | United Kingdom |
Colour | Cream |
Flavour | Custard |
Varian | With alcohol |
File:Eggnog2.jpg Eggnog with cinnamon | |
Negara asal | United Kingdom |
Colour | Cream |
Flavour | Custard |
Varian | With alcohol |
Eggnog /ˈɛɡˌnɒɡ/, endhog nog utawa endhog-nog, historis uga dikenal (nalika omben-omben sing ditambahake) minangka susu doyo utawa susu doyo endhog, [1] [2] [3] punika sugih, adhem, legi, biasa -based wedang . Biasane digawe nganggo susu, krim, gula, putih endhog sing dikocok, lan kuning telur (sing menehi tekstur apus lan jenenge). Ing sawetara konteks, roh sulingan kayata brendi, rum, wiski utawa bourbon ditambahake ing ombenan kasebut.
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ The Modern Bartender's Guide (1878) distinguishes "plain egg nog", "egg milk punch", and "milk punch" from one another, and also includes "Baltimore egg nog", "General Jackson egg nog", "imperial egg nog", and two types of "sherry cobbler egg nog", as well as "sherry cobbler with egg", "mulled claret with egg", "egg sour", and "Saratoga egg lemonade" (also called "sea breeze"). The Modern Bartender's Guide. New York: Excelsior Publishing House. 1878.
- ↑ Wondrich, David (2007). "Milk Punch". Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar. Penguin. kc. 82. ISBN 978-0399532870. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2016-06-03.
- ↑ Johnson, Harry (1882). "Egg Milk Punch". New and Improved Illustrated Bartender's Manual; or, How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style. New York City: Harry Johnson. kc. 65. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2016-05-06.