Cithakan:Cite press release

[besut sumber]This Citation Style 1 template is used to create citations to press releases. N.B. Parameters have been provided for up to 3 authors; however, additional parameters up to _last9_, _first9_ and _authorlink9_ can be added manually as parameters.
Paramèter | Wedharan | Jinis | Status | |
Title of source | title | Title of source. Displays in quotes. | Roncèn | butuh |
Source publication date | date | Full date of source being referenced in the same format as other publication dates in the citations. Do not wikilink. Displays after the authors and enclosed in parentheses. If there is no author, then displays after publisher. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Name of publisher | publisher | Name of publisher. Not normally included for periodicals. Corporate designations such as _Ltd_, _Inc_ or _GmbH_ are not usually included. Displays after title. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Geographical place of publication | location | Geographical place of publication. Displays after the title. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Source URL | url | URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found. Use of the accessdate parameter is recommended. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Quote from source | quote | Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote needs to include terminating punctuation. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Anchor ID | ref | ID for anchor. By default, no anchor is generated. The ordinary nonempty value |ref=ID generates an anchor with the given ID; such a linkable reference can be made the target of wikilinks to full references, especially useful in short citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. The special value |ref=harv generates an anchor suitable for the {{harv}} template; see anchors for Harvard referencing templates. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Source language, if not English | language | The language the source is written in, if not English. Displays in parentheses with _in_ before the language name. Use the full language name; do not use icons or templates. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Last name of first author | last1 last | Equivalent to using _last_ when only one author. For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink1_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
First name of first author | first1 first | Equivalent to using _first_ when only one author. For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink1_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
Last name of second author | last2 | For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink2_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
First name of second author | first2 | For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink2_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
Last name of third author | last3 | For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink3_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
First name of third author | first3 | For use when a work has up to nine authors. To link to author article, use _authorlink3_. | Ora kaweruhan | manasuka |
Date when URL was accessed | access-date accessdate | Full date when original URL was accessed; use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations; do not wikilink. Not required for web pages or linked documents that do not change; mainly of use for web pages that change frequently or have no publication date. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Use if archived but not dead | dead-url deadurl | When the URL is still live, but preemptively archived, then set |deadurl=no. This changes the display order with the title retaining the original link and the archive linked at the end. | Roncèn | manasuka |
URL of an archived copy of the source | archive-url archiveurl | The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the url becomes unavailable. Requires parameter _archivedate_. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Date when the original URL was archived. | archive-date archivedate | Date when the original URL was archived. Use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations; do not wikilink. Displays preceded by _archived from the original on_. | Roncèn | manasuka |
English translation of source title | trans-title trans_title | English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after title. Use of the language parameter is recommended. | Roncèn | manasuka |
First author biography link | author-link1 authorlink1 authorlink author-link | Equivalent to using _authorlink_ when only one author. Title of existing Wikipedia article about the first author—not the author's website; do not wikilink. | Kaca | manasuka |
Second author biography link | author-link2 authorlink2 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author—not the author's website; do not wikilink. | Kaca | manasuka |
Third author biography link | author-link3 authorlink3 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author—not the author's website; do not wikilink. | Kaca | manasuka |
Dhokumèntasi ing ndhuwur katranklusi saka Cithakan:Cite press release/doc. (besut | sujarah) Pambesut bisa njajal-jajal ing kaca bak wedhi (gawé | turunan) lan testcases (gawé) cithakan iki. Mangga tambahana kategori nyang anak kaca /doc. Anak kaca cithakan iki. |