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This file may be updated to reflect new information. If you wish to use a specific version of the file without it being overwritten, please upload the required version as a separate file.
Notes for Editors:
This map is and should always be derived from Canuckguy's File:BlankMap-World6.svg, which is in human-editable plain text (svg+xml) format.
Please do not change any country borders here, but always take the latest version of File:BlankMap-World6.svg as as basis.
For the IBAN countries, there is a block of style definitions involving country codes at the beginning of this file IBANMap-World6.svg.
Please check the SWIFT IBAN Registry Download and regularily for additional countries using the IBAN, and insert their TLD codes in the block mentioned above.
For a new version of IBANMap-World6.svg, please merge the following 3 parts:
atribusi – Kowé kudu mènèhi krédhit kang patut, mènèhi pranala lisènsi, lan kandha yèn ana owah-owahan. Kowé bisa tumindak sasenengmu, nanging ora teges kang duwé lisènsi njurung lakumu.
andum mèmper – Manawa kowé nyalin rupa, ngowahi, utawa nggawé karya nganggo bahan karya iki, kowé kudu mbabar karyamu kang wis dadi nganggo lisènsi kang padha utawa kang cocog karo karya asliné..