Sanitasi tangan
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A typical pump bottle dispenser of hand sanitizer gel | |
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Kat. kehamilan | ? |
Status hukum | ? |
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Kode ATC | ? |
Sinonim | Hand sanitizer, hand antiseptic,[1] hand disinfectant, hand rub, handrub[2] |
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Formula | ? |
Sanitizer tangan minangka cairan, gel, utawa umpluk sing umume digunakake kanggo nyuda agen infeksi ing tangan.[3][4] Ing setelan sing umume , ngumbah tangan nganggo sabun lan banyu.[5][6] Sanitizer tangan kurang efektif kanggo mateni kuman, kayata norovirus lan diffosile Clostridium lan beda karo sabun lan banyu, ora bisa mbusak bahan kimia sing mbebayani. Masyarakat bisa salah ngilangke sanitizer tangan sadurunge garing,[7] lan sawetara uga kurang efektif amarga konsentrasi alkohol banget kurang. Ing pira-pira layanan kesehatan sanitizer tangan adhedhasar alkohol luwih becik tinimbang ngumbah tangan nganggo sabun lan banyu,[8][9] amarga bisa ditoleransi luwih apik lan luwih efektif nyuda bakteri.[4] Nanging, ngumbah tangan nganggo sabun lan banyu, yen kena kontaminasi, utawa sawise nggunakake jamban.[10] Panggunaan sanitizer tangan non-alkohol umume ora ana rekomendasi.

Versi adhedhasar alkohol biasane ngemot sawetara kombinasi isopropil alkohol, etanol (etil alkohol), utawa <i id="mwNg">n</i> -propanol, kanthi versi ngemot alkohol 60% nganti 95% sing paling efektif. Sampeyan kudu ati-ati amarga gampang kobong .[8] Pembersih tangan berbasis alkohol bisa digunakake kanggo macem-macem mikroorganisme, nanging dudu spora .[4] Senyawa kayata gliserol bisa ditambahake supaya ora garing ing kulit. Sawetara versi ngemot wewangian; Nanging, iki ora diganggu amarga ana risiko reaksi alergi.[11] Versi adhedhasar non-alkohol biasane ngemot klorida benzalkonium utawa triclosan ; nanging kurang efektif tinimbang sing adhedhasar alkohol.[12][13][14] Alkohol wis digunakake minangka antiseptik paling ora wiwit wiwitan taun 1363 kanthi bukti-bukti kanggo ndhukung panggunaan kasedhiya ing pungkasan taun 1800-an.[15] Sanitizer tangan adhedhasar alkohol wis umum digunakake ing Eropa wiwit paling ora taun 1980an.[16] Versi adhedhasar alkohol ana ing Dhaptar Obat-obatan Penting Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, obat sing paling aman lan efektif sing dibutuhake ing sistem kesehatan .[17]
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ "Tentative Final Monograph for Health-Care Antiseptic Drug Products; Proposed Rule" (PDF). United States Federal Food and Drug Administration. March 2009. kc. 12613–12617. Diarsip (PDF) saka asliné ing 10 March 2010.
- ↑ Masalah sitiran: Tenger
ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi jenengWHO-LocalProduction
- ↑ "hand sanitizer - definition of hand sanitizer in English | Oxford Dictionaries". Oxford Dictionaries | English. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 18 September 2017. Dibukak ing 12 July 2017.
- ↑ a b c "Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America/Association for Professionals in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society of America" (PDF). MMWR. Recommendations and Reports. 51 (RR-16): 1–45, quiz CE1–4. October 2002. PMID 12418624.
- ↑ de Witt Huberts, J; Grunlan, K; Schmidt, WP; Curtis, V (1 July 2016). "Exploring the potential of antimicrobial hand hygiene products in reducing the infectious burden in low-income countries: An integrative review". American Journal of Infection Control. 44 (7): 764–71. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2016.01.045. PMID 27061254.
- ↑ Meadows, E; Le Saux, N (1 November 2004). "A systematic review of the effectiveness of antimicrobial rinse-free hand sanitizers for prevention of illness-related absenteeism in elementary school children". BMC Public Health. 4: 50. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-4-50. PMC 534108. PMID 15518593.
- ↑ "Show Me the Science – When & How to Use Hand Sanitizer in Community Settings | Hand washing | CDC". (ing basa Inggris Amérika Sarékat). 3 March 2020. Dibukak ing 16 March 2020.
CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because hand washing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands. But if soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help... sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs... Hand sanitizers may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy... Hand sanitizers might not remove harmful chemicals
- ↑ a b Bolon, MK (September 2016). "Hand Hygiene: An Update". Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. 30 (3): 591–607. doi:10.1016/j.idc.2016.04.007. PMID 27515139.
In 2002, the CDC released an updated hand hygiene guideline and, for the first time, endorsed the use of alcohol-based hand rubs for the majority of clinical interactions, provided that hands are not visibly soiled
- ↑ Hirose, R; Nakaya, T; Naito, Y; Daidoji, T; Bandou, R; Inoue, K; Dohi, O; Yoshida, N; Konishi, H (18 September 2019). "Situations Leading to Reduced Effectiveness of Current Hand Hygiene against Infectious Mucus from Influenza Virus-Infected Patients". mSphere. 4 (5). doi:10.1128/mSphere.00474-19. PMC 6751490. PMID 31533996.
For many reasons, alcohol hand sanitizers are increasingly being used as disinfectants over hand washing with soap and water. Their ease of availability, no need for water or plumbing, and their proven effectiveness in reducing microbial load are just a few.
- ↑ World Health Organization (2015). The selection and use of essential medicines. Twentieth report of the WHO Expert Committee 2015 (including 19th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and 5th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines for Children). Geneva: World Health Organization. hdl:10665/189763. ISBN 9789240694941. ISSN 0512-3054. WHO technical report series ; no. 994.
- ↑ "Guide to Local Production: WHO-recommended Handrub Formulations" (PDF). Dibukak ing 11 April 2020.
- ↑ Long, Bruce W.; Rollins, Jeannean Hall; Smith, Barbara J. (2015). Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures (ing basa Inggris) (édhisi ka-13). Elsevier Health Sciences. kc. 16. ISBN 9780323319652. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 18 September 2017.
- ↑ Baki, Gabriella; Alexander, Kenneth S. (2015). Introduction to Cosmetic Formulation and Technology (ing basa Inggris). John Wiley & Sons. kc. 173. ISBN 9781118763780. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 18 September 2017.
- ↑ "Alcohol-free hand sanitizer prices are skyrocketing, but they don't actually work to prevent the coronavirus, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 11 April 2020. Dibukak ing 11 April 2020.
- ↑ Block, Seymour Stanton (2001). Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation. Soil Science (ing basa Inggris). Vol. 124. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. kc. 14. Bibcode:1977SoilS.124..378B. doi:10.1097/00010694-197712000-00013. ISBN 9780683307405. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 18 September 2017.
- ↑ Miller, Chris H.; Palenik, Charles John (2016). Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team (ing basa Inggris) (édhisi ka-5). Elsevier Health Sciences. kc. 269. ISBN 9780323476577. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 18 September 2017.
- ↑ World Health Organization (2019). World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization. hdl:10665/325771. WHO/MVP/EMP/IAU/2019.06. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.