
Nesquik minangka merek produk panganan sing digawe dening perusahaan Swiss Nestlé . Ing taun 1948, Nestlé ngluncurake minuman campuran kanggo susu rasa coklat sing diarani Nestle Quik ing Amerika Serikat ; iki dirilis ing Eropah nalika taun 1950-an minangka Nesquik . [1]
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ "About Nesquik- Brand Heritage". Nestlé Middle East FZE. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 14 November 2015. Dibukak ing 17 January 2015.
Developed in the United States of America in 1948, we were originally known as Nestlé Quik [..] In the 1950s the brand was launched in Europe as NESQUIK®. This followed with a worldwide name change for the brand and then from 1999 onwards it became NESQUIK® in all countries.