James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher artine: "James nalika John wis ngalami pengaruh sing luwih apik marang guru" yaiku ukara ing Inggris sing digunakake kanggo nduduhake ambiguitas leksikal lan kabutuhan tandha wacan,[1] sing dadi sulih kanggo intonasi,[2] stres, lan ngaso sing ditemokake ing wicara.[3] Ing riset pangolahan informasi manungsa, ukara kasebut digunakake kanggo nuduhake kepiye pamaca gumantung marang tandha wacan kanggo menehi makna ukara, utamane ing konteks pemindaian ing baris teks.[4] Ukara kasebut kadang ditampilake minangka bedhekan, ing endi wong sing mbedhek kudu nambah tandha wacan.
[besut | besut sumber]- ↑ Magonet, Jonathan (2004). A rabbi reads the Bible (édhisi ka-2nd). SCM-Canterbury Press. kc. 19. ISBN 978-0-334-02952-6. Dibukak ing 2009-04-30.
You may remember an old classroom test in English language. What punctuation marks do you have to add to this sentence so as to make sense of it?
- ↑ Dundes, Alan; Pagter, Carl R. (1987). When you're up to your ass in alligators: more urban folklore from the paperwork empire (édhisi ka-Illustrated). Wayne State University Press. kc. 135. ISBN 0-8143-1867-3. Dibukak ing 2009-04-30.
The object of this and similar tests is to make sense of a series of words by figuring out the correct intonation pattern.
- ↑ Hudson, Grover (1999). Essential introductory linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell. kc. 372. ISBN 0-631-20304-4. Dibukak ing 2009-04-30.
Writing is secondary to speech, in history and in the fact that speech and not writing is fundamental to the human species.
- ↑ van de Velde, Roger G. (1992). Text and thinking: on some roles of thinking in text interpretation (édhisi ka-Illustrated). Walter de Gruyter. kc. 43. ISBN 3-11-013250-8. Dibukak ing 2009-04-30.
In scanning across lines, readers also make use of the information parts carried along with the punctuation markes [sic]: a period, a dash, a colon, a semicolon or a comma may signal different degrees of integration/separation between the groupings.
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