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Gendéra Dhènemarken

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Gendéra Dhènemarken
Informasi Umum
Jeneng negaraDhènemarken
Dianggo wiwit1219
SimbolNormal utawa de jure, utawa sisi ngarep

Gendéra Dhènemarken (Dannebrog-kain Dhènemarken), ya iku gendéra warna abang saha salib Skandinavia putih. Garis vertikal salib mau dumunung ing sisih cagak. Desain utawa rancangan gendéra Dhènemarken iki ditiru déning Nagara Nordik liyané kaya ta: Swèdhen, Nurwègen, Finlan, Èslan[1][2][3]. Ing mangsa nagara Dhènemarken lan Nurwègen mbentu kasatuan utawa sok diarani (personal union), Dannebrog taksih jejeg dadi gendéra Nurwègen saéngga Nurwègen njupuk lan ngowahi Gendéra Nurwègen ing taun 1821.

Dannebrog ya iku kagolong gendéra nasional kang tuwa dhéwé ing donya lan isih misuwur saha dimupangatake nganti mangsa saiki, kanthi sumber paling anyar ya iku asalé saka abad angka 14. Sadurungé Dannebrog migunakaké, prajurit Dhènemarken ing mangsa iku wis nggunakaké Gendéra Gagak[4].

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  1. Jeroen Temperman. State Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Dibukak ing 2007-12-31. Many predominantly Christian states show a cross, symbolising Christianity, on their national flag. Scandinavian crosses or Nordic crosses on the flags of the Nordic countries–Dhènemarken, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden–also represent Christianity.
  2. Carol A. Foley. The Australian Flag: Colonial Relic or Contemporary Icon. William Gaunt & Sons. Dibukak ing 2007-12-31. The Christian cross, for instance, is one of the oldest and most widely used symbols in the world, and many European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Dhènemarken, Iceland, Greece and Switzerland, adopted and currently retain the Christian cross on their national flags.
  3. Andrew Evans. Iceland. Bradt. Dibukak ing 2007-12-31. Legend states that a red cloth with the white cross simply fell from the sky in the middle of the 13-century Battle of Valdemar, after which the Danes were victorious. As a badge of divine right, Dhènemarken flew its cross in the other Scandinavian countries it ruled and as each nation gained independence, they incorporated the Christian symbol.
  4. Glenday, Craig (2009). Guinness World Records 2010: The Book of the Decade. Jim Pattison Group. kc. 119.