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Epiphyllum oxypetalum

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Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Flower of Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Klasifikasi ngèlmiah
Karajan: Plantae
Unranked: Angiosperms
Unranked: Eudicots
Unranked: Core eudicots
Ordho: Caryophyllales
Famili: Cactaceae
Génus: Epiphyllum
Spésies: E. oxypetalum
Jeneng binomial
Epiphyllum oxypetalum
(de Candolle) Haworth

Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Dutchman's Pipe, kardable, Night Queen utawa Gul-e-Bakawali) iku spesies kaktus lan siji spesies sing paling akèh ditandur ing antara génus iki. Kembang iki uga dikenal minangka kembang Cereus sing mekar wayah wengi Cereus lan kerep diselingsurupaké karo spesies Selenicereus.


[besut | besut sumber]
  • Cereus oxypetalus Moc. & Sesse ex de Candolle (1828) Prodr. 3:470
  • Epiphyllum oxypetalum (de Candolle) Haworth (1829) Phil. Mag. 6:109
  • Cereus latifrons Pfeiffer (1838) Enom. cact. 125
  • Phyllocactus oxypetalus (de Candolle) Link ex Walpers (1843) Repert. Bot. 2:341
  • Phyllocactus latifrons (Pfeiffer) Link ex Walpers (1843) Repert. Bot. 2:341
  • Phyllocactus grandis Lemaire (1847) Fl. Serr. 3:225. b.
  • Phyllocactus guyanensis Brongnart ex Labouret (1853) Monogr. Cact. 416
  • Epiphyllum acuminatum K. Schumann in Martius (1890) Fl. Bras. 4:222
  • Phyllocactus acuminatus (K. Schumann) K. Schumann (1897) Gesamtb. Kakt. 213
  • Phyllocactus purpursii Weingart (1907) Moatsschr. Kakteenk. 17:34
  • Epiphyllum grande (Lemaire) Britton & Rose (1913) Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16:257
  • Epiphyllum oxypetalum v. purpusii (Weingart) Backeberg (1952) Die Cactac. 2:747


[besut | besut sumber]


[besut | besut sumber]
  • Anderson, E. F. 2001. The cactus family. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, USA.

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