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Bubuk jagung

Saka Wikipédia Jawa, bauwarna mardika basa Jawa
Bubuk jagung
Klasifikasi ngèlmiah
Karajan: Animalia
Filum: Arthropoda
Klas: Insecta
Ordho: Coleoptera
Famili: Curculionidae
Génus: Sitophilus
Spésies: S. zeamais
Jeneng binomial
Sitophilus zeamais
(Motschulsky), 1855

Bubuk utawa kutu jagung, maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) sijining jinis kumbang saka famili Curculionidae.Kéwan iki tinemu ing umume daerah tropis lan dadi ama timrape simpenan wiji jagung kang wis garing, saliyané uga ngrusak gandum, beras. Uga ngrusak singgahan gaplek lan pocoran kang kagawe saka jendal/tela kaspa.

Jagung kang rusak dipangan bubuk (tengen)

Bedane bubuk ama jagung lan bubuk beras

[besut | besut sumber]
Bubuk jagung (S. zeamais) Bubuk beras (S. oryzae)
Circular punctures on pronotal dorsum Longitudinally elliptical punctures on pronotal dorsum
Pronotal punctures have no median puncture-free area and are nearly equally spaced apart Pronotal punctures are separated by a flat, median, longitudinal puncture-free zone
More than 20 pronotal punctures along the approximate midline, running from neck to scutellum Less than 20 pronotal punctures along the approximate midline, running from neck to scutellum
Scutellar elevations relatively farther apart compared to their longitudinal length Scutellar elevations relatively closer together compare to their longitudinal length
Scutellar elevations extend longitudinally approximately halfway down the scutellum Scutellar elevations extend longitudinally approximately more than halfway down the scutellum
Proepimera meets behind the fore coxae and has a barely discernable notch along the posterior edge at the site of the meeting


Proepimera meets behind the fore coxae and along the posterior edge, has a distinct curved notch
Aedeagus has two dorsal, longitudinal grooves Aedeagus (in males) is smooth and shiny on the dorsal surface